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Zomwe zimafunikira pazitsulo zomangira khoma la ng’anjo ya induction?

Zomwe zimafunikira kwa a zida zomangira khoma la ng’anjo ya induction?

1. Kukana kokwanira

Zida zomwe zimakhala ndi refractoriness kuposa 1580 ° C zimatchedwa refractory materials. Kutentha kogwira ntchito kwa ng’anjo yolowetsamo nthawi zambiri kumakhala kotsika kuposa kutentha kwachitsulo chosungunuka. Komabe, potengera zofunikira pa moyo wa ng’anjo ya ng’anjo, kutentha kwangozi kapena kawirikawiri kwa dziwe losungunuka ndi dziwe losungunuka liyenera kuganiziridwa. The refractoriness ntchito mu ng’anjo chitsulo chosungunula ndi zipangizo ndi otsika kutentha kutentha nthawi zambiri amakhala zosatetezeka. Monga ng’anjo yamagetsi yamagetsi yopangira ng’anjo yachitsulo,

Its refractoriness should be 1650 ~1700℃, and its softening temperature should be higher than 1650℃.

2. Kukhazikika kwamafuta abwino

Ng’anjo yolowera imadalira ma elekitiromagineti induction kuti asinthe mphamvu. Pofuna kuonetsetsa kuti ng’anjoyo ili ndi mphamvu zowonjezera zamagetsi, izi zimapangitsa kuti ng’anjo ya ng’anjo igwire ntchito ndi kutentha kwakukulu kwa radial. Kuphatikiza apo, kutentha kwa ng’anjo ya ng’anjo kumasintha nthawi zonse chifukwa cha kutengera, kugogoda, ndi kutseka kwa ng’anjo panthawi yogwira ntchito ya ng’anjo, ndipo ng’anjo ya ng’anjo nthawi zambiri imasweka chifukwa cha kutentha kosafanana, zomwe zimachepetsa moyo wautumiki. wa ng’anjo yamoto. Chifukwa chake, ngati chotchingira pang’anjo yamagetsi, iyenera kukhala ndi kukhazikika bwino kwamatenthedwe.

3. Kukhazikika kwamankhwala

Kukhazikika kwamankhwala kwazinthuzo kumagwirizana kwambiri ndi moyo wa ng’anjo yamoto. Zida zopangira zitsulo siziyenera kupangidwa ndi hydrolyzed ndikusiyanitsidwa ndi kutentha kochepa, ndipo zisawonongeke mosavuta ndi kuchepetsedwa pa kutentha kwakukulu. Siziyenera kupanga zinthu zochepa zosungunuka ndi slag panthawi yosungunula, ndipo siziyenera kuchitapo kanthu ndi zitsulo ndi zowonjezera zowonjezera, ndipo sizidzaipitsa zitsulo.

4. Coefficient yaing’ono yowonjezera kutentha

Voliyumu iyenera kukhala yosasunthika ndi kusintha kwa kutentha, popanda kuwonjezereka ndi kutsika.

5. Ali ndi zida zamakina apamwamba,

It must be able to withstand the discharge of the in-place charge when the metal is in a low temperature state; when the metal is in a high-temperature molten state, it should be able to withstand the static pressure of the molten metal and the strong electromagnetic stirring effect; wear resistance and corrosion resistance under the long-term erosion of the molten metal .

6. Good insulation

The furnace lining must not conduct electricity under high temperature conditions, otherwise it will cause leakage and momentary circuits, resulting in serious accidents.

7. Ntchito yomanga zinthuzo ndi yabwino, ndi yosavuta kukonzanso, ndiko kuti, ntchito ya sintering ndi yabwino, ndipo zomangamanga ndi kukonza ng’anjo ndizosavuta.

8. Zinthu zambiri komanso mitengo yotsika.

It is not difficult to see that the requirements for refractory materials for induction furnaces are quite strict, and there is almost no natural refractory material that can meet the above requirements. This requires the selection of suitable refractory materials according to different conditions of use. At the same time, natural mineral resources should be purified, synthesized and reprocessed to make their performance meet the requirements of induction furnaces.