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Main technical parameters of steel rod quenching and tempering production line

Main technical parameters of steel rod quenching and tempering production line

1. Dongosolo lamagetsi: kuzimitsa magetsi + kutenthetsa magetsi

2. Kutulutsa kwa ola limodzi ndi matani 0.5-3.5, ndipo kuchuluka kwa ntchito kuli pamwamba pa ø20-ø120mm.

3. Conveying roller table: The angle between the roller shaft production line and the workpiece shaft production line is 18-21°. The workpiece rotates while moving forward at a constant speed to make the heating more uniform. The roller table between the furnace body is made of 304 non-magnetic stainless steel and water-cooled.

4. Gulu la tebulo la roller: gulu lodyetsa, gulu la sensa ndi gulu lotulutsa limayang’aniridwa mwaokha, lomwe limapangitsa kutentha kosalekeza popanda kuchititsa kusiyana pakati pa ntchito.

5. Kutentha kotseka-kuwongolera: zonse kuzimitsa ndi kutentha zimagwiritsa ntchito American Leitai infrared thermometer yotseka-loop control system kuti azitha kuwongolera bwino kutentha.

6. Dongosolo la makompyuta a mafakitale: kuwonetseratu nthawi yeniyeni ya zochitika zamakono zogwirira ntchito, kukumbukira chizindikiro cha workpiece, kusungirako, kusindikiza, kuwonetsa zolakwika, alamu ndi ntchito zina.

7. Kusintha kwa mphamvu: kugwiritsa ntchito njira yozimitsa + kutentha, kugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu pa tani ndi madigiri 280-320.

8. The man-machine interface PLC automatic intelligent control system of the steel bar furnace, “one-key start” production is worry-free.