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Sheet steel heating furnace

Sheet steel heating furnace

Features of thin steel plate heating furnace:

1. Using series resonance frequency conversion technology for intermediate frequency power supply control, so that the efficiency of the equipment is ≥95%, and the efficiency is high.

2. The thin steel plate heating furnace is energy-saving and environmentally friendly. Working principle After the induction heating equipment outputs a strong alternating frequency conversion current, a strong alternating magnetic field is generated through the induction coil. Under the action of the magnetic field, an eddy current is formed on the surface of the heated workpiece, thereby rapidly heating the workpiece

3. The heating is uniform, the temperature is controlled by the American Leitai thermometer, and the online heating temperature of the thin plate is displayed in real time.

4. Fast heating speed and high production efficiency.

5. The thin steel plate heating furnace adopts the cylinder automatic pushing device, which is highly efficient.

Basic functions and characteristics of thin steel plate heating furnace:

Retseptlarni boshqarish funktsiyasi:

Professional formula management system, after entering the steel grade, diameter, length and other parameters to be produced, the relevant parameters are automatically called, and there is no need to manually record, consult, and enter the parameter values ​​required by various workpieces.

Tarix egri chizig’i funktsiyasi:

Jarayon tarixining kuzatilishi mumkin bo’lgan egri chizig’i (sanoat kompyuter tizimining standart konfiguratsiyasi), bitta mahsulotning ishlov berish harorati tendentsiya grafigini jonli va aniq takrorlang. 1T gacha sig’imli saqlash joyi, o’nlab yillar davomida barcha mahsulot jarayoni yozuvlarini doimiy saqlash.

History record of thin steel plate heating furnace:

Kuzatiladigan jarayon ma’lumotlari jadvali har bir mahsulotda bir nechta namuna olish nuqtalarini olishi va bitta mahsulotning har bir qismining ishlov berish harorati qiymatini aniq takrorlashi mumkin. Sensorli ekran tizimi 30,000 XNUMX ga yaqin jarayon yozuvlarini saqlashi mumkin, ular U disk yoki tarmoq orqali zaxiralanishi mumkin; sanoat kompyuter tizimida saqlash joyida hech qanday cheklov yo’q va o’nlab yillar davomida barcha mahsulot jarayoni yozuvlari doimiy ravishda saqlanadi.

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