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The role of each component of the induction melting furnace

The role of each component of the ukuchithwa kwesithando somlilo

Okokuqala, izingxenye eziyisisekelo

Izingxenye eziyisisekelo zibhekisela kusethi yezinto zokusebenza okufanele zibe nezingxenye zokusebenza okujwayelekile.

1-1, i-transformer

I-transformer iyisisetshenziswa esinikeza amandla kagesi adingekayo emishinini.

Transformers can be divided into dry-type transformers and oil-cooled transformers according to different cooling media.

Embonini yesithando somlilo esiphakathi, sincoma ama-transformer akhethekile apholile ngamafutha.

Lolu hlobo lwesiguquli lungcono kakhulu kuneziguquli ezijwayelekile mayelana nomthamo wokugcwala kanye nokunqanda ukuphazamiseka.

Izinto ezithinta umthamo we-transformer

1) I-iron core

Izinto ze-iron core zithinta ngokuqondile i-flux magnetic,

Izinto ezivamile zensimbi zifaka amashidi ensimbi ye-silicon (engaqondile / engaqondile) nemicu ye-amorphous;

2) Impahla yephakheji yocingo

Manje kukhona amaphakheji e-aluminium core wire, amaphakheji e-copper core wire, namaphakheji e-aluminium enziwe ngethusi.

Impahla yephakheji yocingo ithinta ngokuqondile isizukulwane sokushisa se-transformer;

3) Isigaba se-insulation

The allowable working temperature of class B is 130℃, and the allowable working temperature of class H is 180℃

1-2, intermediate frequency power supply

Ikhabethe lokuphakelwa kwamandla okuvama okumaphakathi liyingxenye eyinhloko yesistimu.

Akunandaba ukuthi hlobo luni lokunikezwa kwamandla okuvama okumaphakathi, lwakhiwe izingxenye ezimbili: isilungisi/i-inverter.

Umsebenzi wengxenye yokulungisa ukuguqula i-50HZ yamanje eshintshashintshayo esetshenziswa ezimpilweni zethu ibe yimanje eshayayo eqondile. Ngokwenani lama-pulses alungisiwe, ingahlukaniswa ibe yi-6-pulse rectification, 12-pulse rectification, 24-pulse rectification njalonjalo.

Ngemuva kokulungiswa, i-reactor eshelelayo izoxhunywa ochungechungeni esigxotsheni esihle.

Umsebenzi wengxenye ye-inverter ukuguqula i-current eqondile ekhiqizwa ukulungiswa ibe i-intermediate frequency alternating current.

1-3, ikhabethe le-capacitor

Umsebenzi wekhabhinethi ye-capacitor ukuhlinzeka ngedivayisi yesinxephezelo samandla asebenzayo wekhoyili yokungeniswa.

Kungaqondakala kalula ukuthi inani le-capacitance lithinta ngqo amandla edivayisi.

kufanele wazi ukuthi,

Kukhona uhlobo olulodwa kuphela lwe-resonant capacitor (i-electrical heat capacitor) yama-parallel device capacitor.

Ngaphandle kwe-resonant capacitor (i-electric heat capacitor), idivayisi yochungechunge nayo ine-capacitor yokuhlunga.

Lokhu kungasetshenziswa futhi njengenkomba yokwahlulela ukuthi idivayisi iyidivayisi ehambisanayo noma iyidivayisi yochungechunge.

1-4, umzimba wesithando somlilo

1) Furnace body classification

Umzimba wesithando somlilo uyingxenye yokusebenza yesistimu. Ngokwezinto zegobolondo lesithando somlilo, ihlukaniswe yaba izinhlobo ezimbili: igobolondo lensimbi negobolondo le-aluminium.

Isakhiwo sesithando somlilo segobolondo le-aluminium silula, sihlanganisa kuphela ikhoyili yokungeniswa kanye nomzimba wesithando somlilo. Ngenxa yokungaqini kwesakhiwo, kwenqatshelwe ngokuphelele ukuyisebenzisa njengamanje. Ngakho incazelo yethu igxile esithandweni segobolondo lensimbi.

2) Isimiso sokusebenza somzimba wesithando somlilo

The main working parts of the furnace body are composed of three parts,

Ikhoyili yokungeniswa (eyenziwe ngepayipi lethusi elipholiswe ngamanzi)

2 Crucible (usually made of lining material)

3 Izindleko (izinto ezihlukahlukene zensimbi noma okungezona ezensimbi)

Umgomo oyisisekelo wesithando sokufakelwa wuhlobo lwe-air core transformer.

Ikhoyili yokungeniswa ilingana nekhoyili eyinhloko ye-transformer,

The various furnace materials in the crucible are equivalent to the secondary coil of the transformer,

When the intermediate frequency current (200-8000HZ) is passed through the primary coil, it will generate magnetic lines of force to cut the secondary coil (burden) under the action of the electromagnetic field, causing the burden to generate an induced electromotive force, and induce an induced current on the surface perpendicular to the axis of the induction coil. So that the charge itself heats up and melts the charge.