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Solusi pikeun masalah sirkuit internal tina slicer mutton

Solusi pikeun masalah sirkuit internal tina slicer mutton

mutton slicer is the main equipment for cutting mutton. It is an indispensable equipment for hot pot restaurants. Today’s machines are basically automated, and this is related to the internal circuit. What should I do if there is a problem with the internal circuit?

1. Neukteuk off kawat baja leupas dina kawat rusak kahiji, sarta ninggalkeun dua kawat baja ends 10 cm leuwih panjang batan jarak antara roda pituduh.

2. Paké sandpaper kasar keusik diaméterna dua tungtung kawat baja ka 1 / 2-2 / 3 tina kawat baja tina slicer mutton aslina, sarta panjangna kudu leuwih gede ti 5 cm. Anggo sandpaper halus pikeun ngahaluskeun permukaan kawat baja, teras nganggo deui. Ngumbah dua kawat baja ditungtungan ku alkohol.

3. Dua kawat baja ditungtungan ku 5 keusik cm dihapus tumpang tindih jeung dilas babarengan. Paké beusi soldering listrik las hiji tungtung kawat baja homeopathically. Dua tungtung kawat baja kudu sagemblengna tumpang tindih jeung kawat baja teu bisa warped. Nalika kuring bangun, Kuring ukur bisa ulang solder, lajeng nganggo sandpaper rupa ka lemes tempat las jeung ngumbah eta kalawan alkohol.

4. There must be a long section of the steel wire that is loose, and run the loose section to the rail of the mutton slicer.

5. Divide the length of a wire from the end of the guide wheel by the groove distance of the guide wheel and multiply it by the length of one turn of the steel wire guide wheel.

6. ​​Accelerate every second until the speed reaches normal, and then cut.

If there is a problem with the internal circuit of the mutton slicer, first cut off the power supply and check whether the wire is in good contact. You can solve it according to the above methods and let the slicer run smoothly.

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