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Anti-collision beam tube heat treatment production line manufacturer

Anti-collision beam tube heat treatment production line manufacturer

The anti-collision beam tube heat treatment production line can realize the advantages of environmental protection, energy saving, low carbon and other advantages. With many years of induction heating equipment production experience, direct manufacturers of induction heat treatment equipment, please rest assured in terms of price and equipment quality. We have a complete after-sales service team to ensure the normal operation of your anti-collision beam tube heat treatment production line.

Advantages and characteristics of the anti-collision beam tube heat treatment production line:

1. Ин қабул IGBT нави-ҳаво сардшавии индуксионии гармидиҳӣ назорати таъмини нерӯи барқ, истеъмоли қувваи барқ ​​кам, сарфаи энергия ва ҳифзи муҳити зист, ва самаранокии баланди истеҳсолот.

2. Even heating and cooling.

3. Using heating + quenching method, the power consumption per ton is 420-480 degrees.

5. Conveying roller table of anti-collision beam tube heat treatment production line: The axis of the roller table and the axis of the workpiece form an angle of 18-21°. The workpiece rotates while moving forward at a constant speed to make heating more uniform. The roller table between the furnace body is made of 304 non-magnetic stainless steel. Water-cooled.

6. Temperature closed-loop control: All adopt American Raytech infrared thermometers and combine with German Siemens S7 to form a closed-loop control system for precise temperature control.

7. Функсияи идоракунии дорухат: системаи пуриқтидори идоракунии дорухат, пас аз ворид кардани параметрҳои дараҷаи пӯлод, диаметри берунӣ ва ғафсии девор, ки бояд истеҳсол карда шавад, параметрҳои дахлдор ба таври худкор даъват карда мешаванд ва ба сабт, машварат ва воридкунии дастӣ лозим нест. арзишҳои параметрҳое, ки аз ҷониби қисмҳои гуногуни корӣ талаб карда мешаванд.

8. Industrial computer system of anti-collision beam tube quenching heat treatment equipment: real-time display of the status of working parameters at the time, and functions of workpiece parameter memory, storage, printing, fault display, alarm and so on.