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Method of buffering modulating wave melting aluminum furnace

Method of buffering modulating wave melting aluminum furnace

The buffer modulated wave aluminum melting furnace must be baked before use. For the buffer modulated wave aluminum melting furnace that has just been lined, it should be naturally dried in the air at not less than 10-15°C for 2 to 3 days before being energized.

The oven process is as follows (see crucible maintenance process for details):

A. The room temperature rises to 100°C, the heating current is 15A, the empty pot is heated to 100°C without a lid, and the temperature is constant for 2h;

B. Aumentare la temperatura da 100 a 200 ℃, la corrente di riscaldamento è 20 A, la pentola vuota viene riscaldata a 200 senza coperchio e la temperatura è costante per 2 ore;

C. Aumentare da 200 a 300 , corrente di riscaldamento 30 A, il crogiolo vuoto viene riscaldato a 300 senza coperchio, temperatura costante per 1 ora;

D. Alzare la temperatura da 300°C a 800°C, riscaldare a pieno carico, coprire il crogiolo vuoto e riscaldare fino a 800°C, mantenere la temperatura costante per 1h;

When the buffer modulated wave aluminum melting furnace is put aside for a long time and then used again, the furnace should also be baked in accordance with the above regulations.

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