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Ma induction ng’anjo zamakampani opanga zida

Ma induction ng’anjo zamakampani opanga zida

Induction heating furnace is the main force of heating equipment in the forging industry, especially in the die forging industry, and it has become an indispensable first choice for automatic forging heating production lines. Is there any reason why the location of the induction heating furnace in the forging industry is so important?

1. Kupanga ndi njira yopangira zitsulo zamakina opangira zitsulo kapena kupangira zinthu zopanda kanthu pokhudzidwa kapena kupanikizika mothandizidwa ndi zida kapena kufa. Kuti muchepetse mphamvu ya zida zopangira zida ndikuwongolera momwe chitsulo chimagwirira ntchito, ndikofunikira kutenthetsa zopanda kanthu, zomwe zimagwiritsa ntchito ng’anjo yotenthetsera.

2. Chotsekera chopanda kanthu chomwe chimatenthedwa ndi ng’anjo yotenthetsera yolowera chimakhala ndi mawonekedwe abwino komanso okhazikika, ndipo chimakhala ndi mawonekedwe abwino amakina. Ubwino wodziwikiratu wa forgings ndizovuta kwambiri, kapangidwe kake ka fiber, komanso kusintha pang’ono kwa magwiridwe antchito pakati pa magawo; khalidwe lamkati la forgings likugwirizana ndi mbiri yokonza ndipo silidzapitirira ndi teknoloji iliyonse yopangira zitsulo.

3. The induction heating furnace has good heat penetration performance and uniform temperature, so that after the metal forging blank is plastically deformed, the internal defects of the blank can be eliminated, such as forging (welding) voids, compaction and looseness, broken carbides, non-metallic inclusions and Distribute it along the deformation direction, improve or eliminate component segregation, etc., and obtain uniform and fine low and high magnification structures.

4. Zojambula zomwe zimapezedwa ndi kutentha kwazitsulo zazitsulo mu ng’anjo yapakati pafupipafupi zimatha kupeza miyeso yolondola kwambiri komanso mawonekedwe ovuta kuposa ma forgings, koma n’zovuta kuthetsa zolakwika monga porosity, voids, kugawanika kwamagulu, ndi zosagwirizana ndi zitsulo; kukana kukanikiza kwa castings Ngakhale kuti mphamvu ndi yayikulu, kulimba kwake sikukwanira, ndipo ndizovuta kuzigwiritsa ntchito pansi pa vuto lalikulu lamphamvu. Zigawo zomwe zimapezedwa ndi njira yopangira makina zimakhala zolondola kwambiri komanso zosalala, koma mizere yamkati yazitsulo nthawi zambiri imadulidwa, zomwe zimakhala zosavuta kuchititsa dzimbiri kupsinjika, komanso kutha kupirira kupsinjika kosinthana ndi kupsinjika ndi kupsinjika. .

5. Forging blanks heated by induction heating furnaces have a wide range of applications. Almost all the major force-bearing components in motion are formed by forging after heating the forging blank in the induction heating furnace, but the greater driving force for the development of the induction heating furnace technology comes from the vehicle manufacturing industry, the automobile manufacturing industry and later the aircraft manufacturing industry. The size and quality of the forgings are getting bigger and bigger, the shape is getting more complex and fine, the forging materials are getting wider and wider, and the forging is more difficult. This is because the modern heavy industry and transportation industry pursue forging products with long service life and high reliability, so that induction heating furnaces need to improve their own technology in order to keep up with the development trend of the times.