- 02
- Sep
Mfundo yodzidyetsa yokha ya ng’anjo yotenthetsera yachitsulo yozungulira
The principle of automatic feeding of round steel magetsi oyatsira moto
Pambuyo potumiza pamanja workpiece ku malo odyetserako chakudya nsanja pasadakhale (zokonzedwa kuikidwa pafupifupi kamodzi mu kusintha), ndi yamphamvu kudyetsa adzatumiza workpieces kwa kalozera ufa kutsogolo kwa ng’anjo kupatsidwa ulemu malinga ndi kumenyedwa anapereka, ndi kudyetsa. silinda idzakhazikitsidwanso Tempo imakankhira chogwirira ntchito mu ng’anjo yopangira kutentha. Kuzungulira kotentha kumayendetsedwa ndi nthawi yowonetsera digito, ndipo kulondola kowongolera kumatha kufika sekondi 0.1.
The fast discharging machine adopts a roller discharging mechanism at the outlet of the furnace. The motor drives the roller to rotate during normal operation. When the pushed blank falls on the roller of the roller, the rotated roller is quickly sent out to the forging press by friction. This greatly reduces the oxidation and cooling of the blank, and at the same time improves the production efficiency and reduces the labor intensity of the operators.
Chithunzi chogwiritsa ntchito patsamba la makina otulutsa mwachangu
The mechanical structure design strength is 3 times higher than the static pressure design strength.
Magawo onse amakina amatengera zida zapakhomo zodziwika bwino zamtundu wa pneumatic, ndipo zosindikizira zimatenga zotumizidwa kunja.
Makina amakina ali ndi malo olondola, ntchito yodalirika, kapangidwe kake ka zida zonse, mtengo wotsika wa ogwiritsa ntchito, kukonza pang’ono, kukonza ndi kukonza kosavuta.
Zida zonse zimaganizira bwino momwe kutentha kozungulira kumayendera pazida.
The steel is produced by well-known domestic manufacturers.
There are mechanical and electrical shockproof, anti-loose, anti-magnetic (copper or other non-magnetic material connection) measures.
Zindikirani: Kutumiza kwa workpiece (chute) pakati pa makina otulutsa ndi zida zopangira kumakonzedwa ndi wogwiritsa ntchito.