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The meaning of FR4 in FR4 epoxy glass fiber board

The meaning of FR4 in FR4 epoxy glass fiber board

FR4 is a code for the grade of flame-retardant materials. It represents a material specification that the resin material must be able to extinguish by itself after burning. It is not a material name, but a material grade. Therefore, it is currently used in general circuit boards. There are many types of FR-4 grade materials, but most of them are composite materials made of so-called Tera-Function epoxy resin, Filler and glass fiber.

NEMA chimiro chakasarudzika chakatarwa neAmerican Electrical Manufacturers Association. Iyo inoenderana IEC standard ndeye EPGC202. Iko hakuna chiyero chemumba chinoenderana nacho.

The closest domestic standard is 3240 epoxy laminated glass cloth board. The corresponding IEC standard of 3240 is EPGC201, and there is only a difference in flame retardancy between EPGC201 and EPGC202. Therefore, it can be simply considered that FR-4 is an improved product of 3240 with enhanced flame retardancy.

FR4 epoxy glass fiber board, the main material is imported prepreg. The colors are white, yellow and green. It still has high mechanical strength at room temperature of 150℃. It has good electrical performance in dry and wet state, flame retardant, used in electrical and electronic Insulation structural parts in other industries are carefully manufactured with imported raw materials, domestic presses and standard technology; the main specifications are 1000*2000 mm 1020mm*1220mm, because of the advantages of raw materials, it guarantees high quality, low price, and timely delivery. It has a solid customer base at home and abroad and enjoys a high reputation.

Application characteristics sharing of FR4 epoxy glass fiber board

1. Mhando dzakasiyana. Mhando dzakasiyana dzeinsheni, dzinorapa vamiririri, uye modifier masisitimu anogona kunge anoenderana nezvinodiwa zvekushandisa kwakasiyana pafomu, uye huwandu hunogona kunge huchibva kune yakaderera viscosity kusvika kumusoro kwakanyunguduka nzvimbo dzakasimba.

2.Kurapa kuri nyore. Sarudza akasiyana akasiyana ekurapa vamiririri, iyo epoxy nebwe system inogona kupora mune yekushisa renji ye0 ~ 180 ℃.

3. Kubatisisa kwakasimba. Iwo epakutanga polar hydroxyl mapoka uye ether zvisungo mumoleketani cheni ye epoxy resins inoita kuti inyatsoomerera kune akasiyana zvinhu. Iyo shrinkage ye epoxy resin yakaderera pakurapa, uye kunetsekana kwemukati kunogadzirwa idiki, iyo inobatsirawo kugadzirisa simba rekunamatira.

4. Yakaderera shrinkage. Mhinduro pakati pe epoxy resin uye iyo inorapa mumiririri inoshandiswa inoitwa nekuwedzera kuwedzera kuita kana kuvhurira-kuvhura polymerization maitiro emapoka epoxy mune resini morekuru, uye hapana mvura kana zvimwe zvisina kugadzikana nezvigadzirwa zvinoburitswa. Zvichienzaniswa neasaturated polyester resin uye phenolic resins, ivo vanoratidza yakaderera kwazvo shrinkage (isingasviki 2%) panguva yekurapa.

  1. Mechanical properties. The cured epoxy resin system has excellent mechanical properties.