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Slit-type breathable brick core

Slit-type breathable brick core

Category: Slit Breathable Brick Core

Slit-oriented air-permeable bricks Slit-oriented air-permeable bricks are commonly used structural forms of air-permeable bricks. According to the on-site use conditions, including refined steel type, refining process, ladle capacity, temperature, steel hydrostatic pressure, etc., a reasonable design of slits can make The blow-through effect of the air-permeable brick is achieved, the life span in use is increased, and the safety performance is stable. When compared with the performance of external air-permeable bricks, the air permeability and service life of the bricks are better than those of foreign advanced products, which meets the requirements of performance indicators for ladle refining production.


1. Khanyetso ea slag

Bakeng sa ho ntlafatsa ts’ireletso ea slag ea thepa le ho kenella hoa tšepe ea mokelikeli, Cr2O3 kapa karolo ea chromium corundum hangata e eketsoa ho litene tsa corundum spinel tse kenang moeeng. Cr2O3 le a-Al2O3 li na le sebopeho se tšoanang sa kristale. Cr2O3 ha e ntlafatse feela khanyetso ea slag ea thepa, empa e boetse e eketsa leqhubu la ho kolobisa lipakeng tsa thepa le tšepe e qhibilihisitsoeng, mme e ntlafatsa haholo ho koaloa ha masoba a setene se phefumolohang ka lebaka la ho kenella ha tšepe e qhibilihisitsoeng.

U sebelisa phofo e thumisehileng ea Cr2O3 le Al2O3 mocheso o phahameng ho theha tharollo e tiileng ea aluminium-chromium le karolo ea khalase e nang le chromium, karolo ea mokelikeli e thehiloeng ha e kopana le slag ts’ebetsong ea ho qhibilihisa tšepe e na le viscosity e tsitsitseng. ho thibela slag e entsoeng ka tšepe e qhibilihisitsoeng ho ama ts’enyeho ea setene e phefumolohang; Ka nako e ts’oanang, e ka monya oxide ea tšepe le magnesium oxide ka slag, ‘me ea etsa spinel e teteaneng mokhatlong o sebetsang oa setene sa moea, se ntlafatsang khanyetso ea slag ea setene sa moea.

Leha ho le joalo, kamora ho kenya Cr2O3 boitsebisong, kamora ho thunya kapa ho sebelisa mocheso o phahameng, Cr3 + e entsoe oxidized ho Cr6 +, e leng chefo ebile e silafatsa tikoloho. Ka hona, bakeng sa paballo ea matla le ts’ireletso ea tikoloho, ts’ebeliso ea Cr2O3 e lokela ho qojoa ka hohle kamoo ho ka khonehang, mme ka ho tlosa lisebelisoa tse tala, ts’ebetso e phahameng ea mocheso ntle le ho eketsa Cr2O3 e ka fihlela boemo ba ho eketsa Cr2O3.

2. Thermal makala ho hanyetsa

Mokhoa o ka sehloohong oa tšenyo ea litene tse kenang moeeng ke tšenyo ea mocheso. Ka keketseho e tsoelang pele ea mocheso o tlamang, ho na le phapang e kholo ea mocheso lipakeng tsa mosebetsi o sebetsang le o kenang ka holim’a sebaka se sebetsang sa setene sa moea, se hlokang hore thepa e be le ts’ireletso e phahameng ea mocheso. Karolo ea spinel e hlahisoa ka mokhoa o ka senyehang, ‘me khatello ea mocheso ea setene e kenang moeeng e tla ntlafatsoa.

The oxide or non-oxide added in the ventilated brick forms a solid solution phase with the aggregate at high temperature, increases the high-temperature strength of the brick, improves the permeability of the brick, and resists the erosion of the ventilated brick by the molten slag in the ladle. After the high temperature heat treatment of the air-permeable brick, its performance is improved to meet its use requirements

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