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Slit-type breathable brick core

Slit-type breathable brick core

Category: Slit Breathable Brick Core

Slit-oriented air-permeable bricks Slit-oriented air-permeable bricks are commonly used structural forms of air-permeable bricks. According to the on-site use conditions, including refined steel type, refining process, ladle capacity, temperature, steel hydrostatic pressure, etc., a reasonable design of slits can make The blow-through effect of the air-permeable brick is achieved, the life span in use is increased, and the safety performance is stable. When compared with the performance of external air-permeable bricks, the air permeability and service life of the bricks are better than those of foreign advanced products, which meets the requirements of performance indicators for ladle refining production.


1. 抗渣性

為了提高材料的抗渣性和抗鋼液滲透性,通常在剛玉尖晶石透氣磚中加入Cr2O3或部分鉻剛玉。 Cr2O3和a-Al2O3具有相同的晶體結構。 Cr2O3不僅提高了材料的抗渣性,而且增加了材料與鋼水的潤濕角,顯著改善了透氣磚因鋼水滲透而造成的氣孔堵塞。

利用Cr2O3細粉和Al2O3在高溫下形成鋁鉻固溶體和存在的含鉻玻璃相,在鋼水冶煉過程中與爐渣接觸形成的液相具有一定的粘度,從而防止鋼水中的熔渣影響透氣磚的腐蝕; 同時能吸附爐渣中的氧化鐵和氧化鎂,在透氣磚的工作層形成緻密的尖晶石,提高了透氣磚的抗渣能力。

但在材料中加入Cr2O3後,經過高溫燒製或使用後,Cr3+被氧化成Cr6+,有毒,污染環境。 因此,為了節能環保,應盡量避免使用Cr2O3,通過更換原料,不加Cr2O3的高溫性能也能達到加Cr2O3的水平。

2. 抗熱震性

透氣磚的主要破壞方式是熱衝擊破壞。 隨著出鋼溫度的不斷升高,透氣磚的工作面工作與間歇工作之間存在較大的溫差,這就要求材料具有較高的抗熱震性。 在澆注料中引入尖晶石相,可提高透氣磚的抗熱震性。

The oxide or non-oxide added in the ventilated brick forms a solid solution phase with the aggregate at high temperature, increases the high-temperature strength of the brick, improves the permeability of the brick, and resists the erosion of the ventilated brick by the molten slag in the ladle. After the high temperature heat treatment of the air-permeable brick, its performance is improved to meet its use requirements

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