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Slit-type breathable brick core

Slit-type breathable brick core

Category: Slit Breathable Brick Core

Slit-oriented air-permeable bricks Slit-oriented air-permeable bricks are commonly used structural forms of air-permeable bricks. According to the on-site use conditions, including refined steel type, refining process, ladle capacity, temperature, steel hydrostatic pressure, etc., a reasonable design of slits can make The blow-through effect of the air-permeable brick is achieved, the life span in use is increased, and the safety performance is stable. When compared with the performance of external air-permeable bricks, the air permeability and service life of the bricks are better than those of foreign advanced products, which meets the requirements of performance indicators for ladle refining production.


1. Ukuxhathisa i-Slag

Ukuze kuphuculwe uxhathiso lwezixhobo ze-slag kunye nokumelana nokungena kwe-iron, i-Cr2O3 okanye inxenye ye-chromium corundum idla ngokudityaniswa kwi-corundum spinel izitena zomoya ezivumayo. I-Cr2O3 kunye ne-Al2O3 zinesakhiwo esifanayo sekristal. I-Cr2O3 ayiphuculi kuphela ukuxhathisa kwezinto ze-slag, kodwa ikwonyusa i-engile yokumanzisa phakathi kwezinto kunye nentsimbi etyhidiweyo, kwaye iphucula kakhulu ukucinywa kwemingxunya yezitena ezinokuphefumla ngenxa yokungena kwentsimbi etyhidiweyo.

Sebenzisa i-Cr2O3 umgubo ocolekileyo kunye ne-Al2O3 kubushushu obuphezulu ukwenza isisombululo esiqinileyo se-aluminium-chromium kunye nesigaba seglasi esele sine-chromium, isigaba esingamanzi esenziwe xa sidibana ne-slag kwinkqubo yokunyibilikisa intsimbi inyibilikile, ngaloo ndlela Ukuthintela i-slag eyenziwe ngentsimbi etyhidiweyo ekuchaphazelekeni kukonakala kwezitena; Kwangaxeshanye, inokufunxa i-iron oxide kunye ne-magnesium oxide kwi-slag, kwaye yenze i-spinel eshinyeneyo kumaleko osebenzayo wezitena zomoya, eziphucula ukuxhathisa kwe-slag kwisitena somoya.

Nangona kunjalo, emva kokongeza i-Cr2O3 kwimathiriyeli, emva kokudubula okushushu okanye ukusetyenziswa, i-Cr3 + ifakwe ioksijini kwi-Cr6 +, enetyhefu kwaye ingcolisa indalo. Ke ngoko, kulondolozo lwamandla kunye nokukhuselwa kwendalo esingqongileyo, ukusetyenziswa kweCr2O3 kufuneka kuthintelwe kangangoko kunokwenzeka, kwaye ngokubuyisela izinto ezingasetyenziswanga, ukusebenza kobushushu obuphezulu ngaphandle kokongeza iCr2O3 kunokufikelela kwinqanaba lokongeza iCr2O3.

2. ukumelana ukothuka Thermal

Eyona ndlela iphambili yomonakalo yezitena ezinokungena emoyeni ngumonakalo wokothuka oshushu. Ngokunyuka okuqhubekayo kweqondo lokushisa ngokuthepha, kukho umahluko omkhulu wobushushu phakathi kokusebenza kunye nomsebenzi ongaphakathi kwindawo yokusebenza yesitena somoya, esifuna ukuba umbandela ube nokuxhathisa okuphezulu kobushushu. Isigaba se-spinel singeniswa kwi-castable, kwaye ukuxhathisa ukutshitshiswa kwesitena esinokungena emoyeni kuya kuphuculwa.

The oxide or non-oxide added in the ventilated brick forms a solid solution phase with the aggregate at high temperature, increases the high-temperature strength of the brick, improves the permeability of the brick, and resists the erosion of the ventilated brick by the molten slag in the ladle. After the high temperature heat treatment of the air-permeable brick, its performance is improved to meet its use requirements

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