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Comparative analysis on the application of mica board and epoxy glass fiber board

Comparative analysis on the application of mica board and epoxy glass fiber board

Mica board and epoxy glass fiber board are often used in daily life. Today, we will make a comparative analysis of the application of mica board and epoxy glass fiber board. The first is the mica board:

Dewan mika ngagaduhan kakuatan lentong anu saé sareng kinerja pamrosésan. Papan mika ngagaduhan kakuatan lentong anu luhur sareng kateguhan anu hadé. Papan mika tiasa diolah dina sagala rupa bentuk tanpa delaminasi. Kinerja lingkungan anu saé, papan mika henteu ngandung asbés, kurang haseup sareng bau nalika dipanaskeun, bahkan henteu haseup sareng henteu raoseun.

Diantarana, papan mika heuras HP-5 mangrupikeun bahan sapertos lempeng mika lempengan kakuatan tinggi. Papan mika masih tiasa ngajaga performa aslina dina kaayaan suhu anu luhur. Hal ieu seueur dianggo dina bidang ieu:

Alat-alat rumah tangga: setrika listrik, pengering rambut, alat-alat roti, mesin kopi, oven microwave, alat pemanas listrik, jst;

Metallurgical and chemical industry: power frequency furnaces, induction heating furnaces, electric arc furnaces, injection molding machines, etc. in the metallurgical industry.

Epoxy glass fiber board: Glass fiber cloth is made by heating and pressing with epoxy resin. It has high mechanical performance at medium temperature and stable electrical performance at high temperature. It is suitable for high-insulation structural parts for machinery, electrical appliances and electronics, with high mechanical and dielectric properties, good heat resistance and moisture resistance. Heat resistance grade F (155 degrees). To

Réaksi antara résin epoxy sareng agén pangubaran anu dilakukeun dilaksanakeun ku réaksi tambihan langsung atanapi réaksi polimérisasi cincin-épék tina gugus époksi dina molekul résin, sareng henteu aya cai atanapi hasil sampingan anu teu stabil anu dileupaskeun. Dibandingkeun sareng résin poliéster henteu jenuh sareng résin fenolik, aranjeunna nunjukkeun panyusutan anu handap pisan nalika nyageurkeun. Sistem résin epoxy anu kapok ngagaduhan sipat mékanis anu saé. Tapi pagelaran umumna henteu saé papan mika.

Karakteristik aplikasi

1. Rupa-rupa wujud. Rupa-rupa résin, agén curing, sareng sistem modifier ampir tiasa adaptasi sareng sarat sababaraha aplikasi dina bentuk, sareng kisaranna tiasa tina viskositas anu handap pisan kana padet titik lebur anu luhur.

2. Convenient curing. Choose a variety of different curing agents, the epoxy resin system can almost be cured in the temperature range of 0 ~ 180 ℃. 3. Strong adhesion. The inherent polar hydroxyl groups and ether bonds in the molecular chain of epoxy resins make it highly adhesive to various substances. The shrinkage of epoxy resin is low when curing, and the internal stress generated is small, which also helps to improve the adhesion strength.

Ketebalan spésifikasi: 0.5 ~ 100mm

Spésifikasi konvensional: 1000mm * 2000mm

Warna: konéng, cai biru, hideung

The hardness of epoxy glass fiber board is greater than that of mica board, but it is resistant to temperature difference.