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Electroreactor insulation cylinder

Electroreactor insulation cylinder

1. Mahsulotlarni tanishtirish

The reactor insulator, also known as the resistance shell and the reactor insulation bracket, adopts the epoxy resin insulation cylinder shell, with sufficient electrical and mechanical strength, necessary heat dissipation capacity and the margin of oil heat expansion and cold shrinkage.The reactor housing comes with the base and the upper end of another section.The shell is painted with white or orange insulated paint.The reactor insulation shell can be free and convenient to stack and lift.

Two, product performance

H sinfidagi epoksi shisha tolali izolyatsiyalash tsilindrining ishlash parametrlari jadvali

Yo’q Ko’rsatkich nomi talablar birlik Indeks qiymati
1 zichlik G/cm 3 1.9-2.0
2 Bukilish intensivligi Bundan kam emas Mpa 320
3 Bosim qarshilik kuchi Bundan kam emas Mpa 200
4 Kesishga qarshi kuch Bundan kam emas Mpa 32
5 O’rtacha yo’qotish omili (50 Gts) Katta emas 0.02
6 Dielektrik doimiy 3 ~ 6
7 Ovoz qarshiligi normal bo’lganda Bundan kam emas Qm 10X1011
Suvga cho’mgandan keyin 10X109
8 Parallel qatlam oddiy izolyatsiya qarshiligiga qarab harakat qilganda Bundan kam emas Q 10X1011
Suvga cho’mgandan keyin 10X109
9 Yuzaki kuchlanish qarshiligi

(Bosimga chidamli lmin, havoda 30 mm)

KV 14
10 Vertikal qatlam yo’nalishidagi qarshilik 8> 3 mm KV 20
11 Parallel qatlamga chidamli kuchlanish (25 mm oraliq) Bundan kam emas KV 50
12 Yalıtım qarshilik Bundan kam emas MQ 5X104
13 Sanoat chastotali kuchlanish qarshiligi masofasi (mijozlar texnologiyasi bo’yicha)


Bundan kam emas KV 80
14 Issiqlikka qarshilik Bundan kam emas ° C 180
15 O’rtacha issiqlik deformatsiyasi harorati Bundan kam emas ° C 250

Three, product characteristics

The insulation shell of the reactor is made of high quality glass fiber soaked with high-low viscosity and high-temperature epoxy resin and cross-wound along the axial direction under the control of the microcomputer. It is a high quality insulation pipe for manufacturing high voltage, composite hollow sleeve of high-high voltage SF6 high voltage electrical appliances and current transformer.The products are widely used for making the main insulation materials for high voltage products such as reactor insulation supports, outdoor high voltage fuses, lightning arresters, load split switches, dry and oil immersed transformers, railway locomotive transformers, SF6 inductors, capacitors and test devices.Product insulation temperature resistance grade H, C, etc., product implementation standard GB/T23100-2008.

IV. Product mold specifications