- 20
- Jan
Ajar sampeyan carane nggawe kumparan pemanasan tungku pemanasan induksi
Ajar sampeyan carane nggawe kumparan pemanasan tungku pemanasan induksi
Efek panas saka kumparan pemanas saka tungku dadi pemanasan ora mung gumantung ing saiki apa saka coil induksi, nanging uga langsung related kanggo wangun induksi coil, nomer giliran, dawa tabung tembaga, materi workpiece, wangun lan faktor liyane. Daya peralatan kudu maksimal. Kanggo pemanfaatan sing efektif, penting banget kanggo nggawe gulungan pemanasan kanthi wajar miturut materi lan wujud benda kerja.
The heating coil material of the induction heating furnace is a red copper tube with a diameter of more than 8mm and a wall thickness of 1mm. If the diameter of a round copper tube is greater than 8mm, it is better to process a square copper tube first, and then bend the heating coil;
Kanggo workpieces karo wangun khusus, gulungan panas beda kudu digawe miturut wangun beda saka workpieces;
Anneal the copper pipe, then plug one end, and pour the other end with dry fine sand or lead liquid.
Gradually bend and beat according to the designed heating coil shape. It is best to use a wooden or rubber hammer when beating. The turning point should be beaten slowly, not excessive force;
After bending, tap the heating coil with a copper tube to shake out the fine sand. If the lead liquid is filled, the heating coil should be heated until the lead is melted, and then the lead liquid should be poured out. Check whether the heating coil is ventilated.
For heating coils with multi-turn structure, in order to prevent short circuits between the heating coils, heat-resistant insulating materials, such as glass pipes or glass fiber tapes, should be covered, and the surface oxide layer should be polished clean on the electrical contacts connected to the machine.