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How to determine the evaporation temperature and condensation temperature? How to debug?

How to determine the evaporation temperature and condensation temperature? How to debug?

1. Condensing temperature:

The condensation temperature of the compressor system refers to the temperature at which the refrigerant condenses in the condenser, and the refrigerant vapor pressure corresponding to this temperature is the condensation pressure. For water-cooled condensers, the condensing temperature is generally 3-5°C higher than the cooling water temperature.

Kudziya kwetembiricha ndeimwe yematanho makuru ekushandisa mufiriji kutenderera. Nezve iyo chaiyo firiji chishandiso, nekuda kweiyo diki misiyano renji yemamwe magadzirirwo parameter, iyo tembiricha tembiricha inogona kunzi ndiyo inonyanya kukosha paramende yekushanda, inoenderana zvakananga neiyo firiji mhedzisiro, kuchengetedzeka uye kuvimbika kweiyo firiji mudziyo Uye simba rekushandisa nhanho.

2. Evaporation temperature:

Tembiricha yemvura inoreva tembiricha iyo iyo firiji inosimuka nemamota mune evaporator. Inoenderana neanowirirana semhepo yekumanikidza. Iyo tembiricha yekushanduka kwemhepo zvakare yakakosha paramende mune firiji system. Iyo tembiricha yemvura inowanzo kuve 2-3 ° C yakaderera pane inodikanwa tembiricha yemvura.

Iyo yekupisa tembiricha ndiyo inotonhorera tembiricha pasi yakanaka mamiriro, asi iwo ari evaporating tembiricha yefriji mune chaiyo mashandiro ari zvishoma akaderera pane kutonhora tembiricha ne3 kusvika 5 madhigirii.

3. How to determine the evaporating temperature and condensing temperature in general:

The evaporating temperature and condensing temperature are based on needs, such as air-cooled units. The condensing temperature mainly depends on the ambient temperature, and the evaporating temperature depends on what you apply to. The evaporating temperature of the air conditioner is higher, the cold storage is lower, and the freezing temperature is lower. Even in some low temperature areas, the required evaporation temperature is lower. These parameters are not unified, it mainly depends on the actual application.

You can refer to the following data:

In general, water cooling: evaporating temperature = cold water outlet temperature -5°C (dry evaporator), if it is a flooded evaporator, -2°C. To

Tembiricha inogadziridza = kutonhora tembiricha yemvura + 5 ° C Kutonhorera kwemhepo: kupisa tembiricha = tembiricha yemvura inotonhorera -5 ~ 10 ° C, tembiricha yekudziya = tembiricha yakadzika + 10 ~ 15 ° C, kazhinji 15. Ku

4. The influence and adjustment of evaporator temperature on refrigeration:

4.1 Iyo tembiricha yekumvura yakaenzana neiyo chaiyo yekunze tembiricha kubvisa iyo kupisa kutamisa tembiricha mutsauko. Iyo yekupisa tembiricha yakanyanya kukwirira, iyo tembiricha yemhepo inotonhorera inobuda kunze kweiyo evaporator yakakwira, uye iyo tembiricha inoderedzwa, kana kunyange iyo inotarisirwa tembiricha haisvike zvachose. Mhedzisiro pane iyo firiji kutenderera: yakakwira superheat, yakaderera kudzoka kumanikidza, pedza yekumanikidza inoderera, kumanikidza kwemvura yekupaipi pombi kunodzikira, uye iyo yuniti kuyerera chiyero inoderera. Kutenderera uku kunoita kuti imba yekuchengetera itonhorere pasi zvishoma nezvishoma, muchina unoramba uchishanda, unopfeka zvakawanda, uye kugona kuri kushoma. Ku

4.2 If the evaporation temperature is too low, there must be a scale. If the head of the machine does not become damp, there is no problem in cooling the warehouse. The exhaust pressure has little effect, and the exhaust temperature decreases. Increased energy consumption. If the evaporating temperature is too low and exceeds the bottom line, there will be liquid in the return air pipe, causing damp trucks, and the consequences will be very serious.

Evaporation temperature adjustment: First of all, we must know that the lower the evaporation pressure, the lower the evaporation temperature. Evaporation temperature adjustment, in actual operation, is to control the evaporation pressure, that is, to adjust the pressure value of the low pressure gauge. During operation, the low pressure pressure is adjusted by adjusting the opening of the thermal expansion valve (or throttle valve). The expansion valve opening degree is large, the evaporation temperature rises, the low pressure pressure also rises, the cooling capacity will increase; if the expansion valve opening degree is small, the evaporation temperature decreases, the low pressure pressure also decreases, and the cooling capacity will decrease.