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Square steel pipe quenching and tempering heat treatment equipment

Square steel pipe quenching and tempering heat treatment equipment

The working process of the mechanical system of the square steel pipe quenched and tempered heat treatment equipment:

Crane crane → platform panyimpenan → mekanisme pakan otomatis → sistem meja roller feeding → sistem pemanasan induksi quenching → piranti pangukuran suhu inframerah → meja roller discharge → sistem quenching semprotan → completion quenching → sistem conveying tempering → tempering Sistem pemanasan induksi → piranti ukur suhu inframerah → meja rol discharge → mekanisme bahan pendingin → rak panampa

Advantages and characteristics of square steel pipe quenched and tempered heat treatment equipment:

1. The new IGBT air-cooled induction heating power supply control of the square steel tube quenching and tempering heat treatment equipment, low power consumption and high production efficiency.

2. The square steel tube quenching and tempering intermediate frequency heat treatment equipment adopts V-shaped rolls arranged diagonally in the transmission design to reduce the radial runout.

3. Kacepetan pemanasan cepet, oksidasi permukaan kurang, proses quenching lan tempering ing proses pemanasan puteran, lan baja nduweni straightness apik lan ora mlengkung sawise quenching lan tempering.

4. Sawise perawatan panas, workpiece nduweni konsistensi saka atose dhuwur banget, uniformity saka microstructure, banget dhuwur kateguhan lan impact kekuatan.

5. Sistem kontrol layar tutul PLC bisa ngrekam lan nyimpen kabeh paramèter proses hardening induksi lan tempering workpiece, sing trep kanggo sampeyan ndeleng cathetan sajarah ing mangsa ngarep.

6. Temperatur kontrol loop tertutup: loro quenching lan tempering nggunakake American Leitai thermometer infrared sistem kontrol loop tertutup kanggo ngontrol suhu kanthi akurat.

7. Sistem komputer industri: tampilan nyata-wektu status paramèter apa ing wektu, memori parameter workpiece, panyimpenan, printing, tampilan fault, weker lan fungsi liyane.