- 11
- Apr
Je, ni hatua zipi zinazoweza kubadilishwa za kinu cha kusokota?
Je, ni hatua zipi zinazoweza kubadilishwa za kinu cha kusokota?
Baada ya mwisho wa ukanda, kwanza weka safu za kazi za juu na za chini (wakati ukanda umevaliwa, safu za kazi zimeondolewa), kisha urekebishe mstari wa kusonga, funga mlango wa kufunga wa kinu, bonyeza sahani ya mbele, na plagi upande wiper mashinikizo chuma. Ukanda, rolling kinu mchakato lubrication mfumo wa baridi huanza ugavi wa kioevu, ukanda rolling kinu ni taabu chini, coiler rotates kutoa ukanda wa chuma mbele mvutano, mashine kabla na baada ya kupima unene na speedometer kuingia mstari rolling, na kitengo huendesha safu ya kwanza.
During the rolling process, if it is found that the defect of the edge of the steel strip will affect the high speed rolling, when the defective part passes the roll;
Opereta anabofya kitufe kwenye kiweko ili kuingiza mawimbi yake ya nafasi yenye kasoro kwenye mfumo wa AGC. Mwishoni mwa rolling, kinu rolling ni decelerated. Wakati mkia wa ukanda wa chuma unafikia nafasi ya upepo wa mbele, kitengo kinasimama na kupitisha kwanza kumalizika. Kipimo cha unene, kipimo cha mwendo kasi
The line is rolled up, the tension of the steel strip is released, the cooling lubricant is stopped, and the pressure plate is lifted.
In the second rolling, the steel strips move in the opposite direction, and the positions in front of the machine are interchanged. After the second pass starts, the coiler is reversed.
To the front of the machine, the head of the steel strip is sent to the front of the reeling machine, and the jaws of the machine are clamped.
Then, a cooling lubricant feed mill, rolling reduction, the front and back coiler given transmission; ring 3 – is wound on the spool 2
Tension, the machine before and after the thickness gauge, the speedometer enters the rolling line, and the unit starts rolling in the second pass.
Starting from the second pass, the rolling is carried out between the front and rear coiler and the twenty-roll mill. Fully automatic control is achieved when the mill’s automatic thickness control (ACC) system is put into operation. When the steel has a defect in the rolling process, the rolling machine automatically decelerates. At the end of the rolling, the rolling mill will automatically stop.
Generally, the reversible rolling mill rolls an odd number of passes, but when the front and rear coiler is an expansion and contraction reel, the even track can be rolled.
Roll inaweza pia kupakuliwa kwa upande wa kinu unwinder.
Generally, before the finished pass rolling, the work rolls need to be replaced to obtain high quality and special requirements for the surface quality of the steel strip.
the amount. After the finished pass rolling, the rolling mill stops, presses and picks up, the thickness gauge and the speedometer exit the rolling line, the rolling mill stops cooling the lubricating fluid supply, the coiler of the coiler is pressed down, or the unloading trolley is raised. The small seat roller is pressed against the steel coil to prevent the steel coil unwinding machine from rotating and winding the tail of the steel strip onto the reel. The reversible rolling process is now complete.
Unloading and rewinding stages: For expansion and contraction reel reels, unloading is relatively simple. First use the straps in the radial bundle of steel coils
When the tie is unfolded, the unloading trolley is raised to withstand the steel coil, the reeling machine reel is contracted, the jaws are opened, the steel coil is held by the unloading trolley, and the unloading trolley and the auxiliary pusher of the reeling machine are synchronously moved. The coil is unloaded from the coiler and the unloading trolley continues to move to transport the coil to the coil storage station.
Kwa coilers zilizo na rolls imara kabla na baada ya kinu, coil haiwezi kuondolewa moja kwa moja kutoka kwenye ngoma, coil tu imefungwa tena.
Koili ya chuma inaweza kuondolewa kwa kwenda kwenye mashine ya kuchukua ya upanuzi na ya kubana. Wakati kinu cha roli 20 cha Sendzimir na kinu cha Sendway-roll 20 kinapotumia reel imara ya reel, kitengo hicho kwa ujumla huwa na utaratibu wa kurejesha nyuma ili kuhamisha koili iliyokamilika ya chuma na reeli dhabiti kutoka mahali pa kuchukua hadi sehemu ya kurudisha nyuma nyuma. Nafasi i kisha hurudisha nyuma koili kutoka kwa kifungua faili hadi kwa mashine ya kurejesha nyuma. Kwa kuwa mchakato wa kurejesha upya unafanywa kwa nafasi nje ya eneo la rolling ya kinu ya rolling, rewinding na rolling inaweza kufanyika wakati huo huo bila kuathiri kila mmoja.