- 14
- Sep
Comparison of high frequency quenching equipment and traditional heat treatment equipment
Taqqoslash yuqori chastotali o’chirish uskunalari and traditional heat treatment equipment
1. Jarayon energiyasini tejash. O’rta va yuqori chastotali o’ziga xos og’irlikdagi moyli isitish 31.5% -54.3% energiya tejaydi, bu gazni isitishdan 5% -40% ko’proq energiya tejaydi.
2. Kamroq oksidlanish yonish yo’qotilishi, o’rta va yuqori chastotali isitish zarblarining oksidlanish yonish yo’qotilishi atigi 0.5%, gaz pechini isitishning oksidlanish yo’qotilishi 2% va ko’mirni yoqish o’chog’i 3% ni tashkil qiladi. O’rta va yuqori chastotali isitish jarayoni po’latni tejaydi.
Yuqori chastotali söndürme uskunalari, shuningdek, ko’p maqsadli modellarga ega, masalan:
1) Horizontal machine, suitable for quenching and processing of hardware workpieces without steps or optical shafts, which is convenient for fully automatic operation;
2) Vertikal mashina, keng doiradagi vallar va disklarda ishlatilishi mumkin va yupqa qismlarning deformatsiyasi söndürme paytida katta;
3) The special quenching equipment is a quenching machine tool for a certain kind of large-scale workpiece, and is equipped with a manipulator to complete the fully automatic operation.
4) Performance selection of high frequency quenching equipment. For example, the frequency and power of the high-frequency machine.
4. The heating temperature is uniform and the quality is good, which can reduce the scrap rate by 1.5% and improve the production efficiency by 10%-30%. High frequency quenching equipment
5. The equipment is compact and occupies a small area, which greatly saves space and is convenient for maintenance. The heating furnace body of the equipment is modularized and easy to replace.
6. High degree of automation, easy to realize automation, saving labor costs and improving work efficiency.
7. The automation of the heating production line is realized, which greatly improves the production efficiency.