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Tubing quenching and tempering production line

Tubing quenching and tempering production line

Features of tubing ukuphefumula nokuphefumula umugqa wokukhiqiza:

1. Controlled by intermediate frequency series resonance induction heating power supply, all digital, touch screen display.

2. The heating, quenching and tempering of petroleum steel pipes are uniform, the temperature control accuracy is high, and the heating is uniform, and the temperature difference between the core and the surface is small. The temperature control system can achieve accurate temperature control.

3. Fast heating speed, less oxidation and decarbonization, and long service life of the tubing quenching and tempering production line

4. It is carefully designed according to the process required by the user, with a high degree of automation, coupled with the pLc control system, can realize the fully automatic operation of the petroleum steel pipe heat treatment furnace.

5. The oil pipe quenching and tempering heat treatment equipment adopts imported motor, each axis motor reducer drive, independent frequency converter control, and segmented control of the running speed, so that the oil steel pipe work piece advances at a uniform speed, uniformly heated, and uniformly quenched.

6. Low energy consumption, no pollution, and stable process.

7. The processed tubing has high hardness, toughness and other conditions that can meet the standards.

Umsebenzi wokuphatha amaresiphi:

Professional formula management system, after inputting the steel grade, pipe diameter and wall thickness parameters to be produced, the relevant parameters are automatically called, and there is no need to manually record, consult, and input the parameter values ​​required by various workpieces.

History curve function of tubing quenching and tempering production line:

Ijika lomlando wenqubo elandelekayo (ukucushwa okujwayelekile kohlelo lwekhompiyutha yezimboni), khiqiza kabusha ngokusobala nangokunembile igrafu yethrendi yokucubungula izinga lokushisa yomkhiqizo owodwa. Kufika ku-1T indawo yokugcina umthamo, ukulondolozwa unomphela kwawo wonke amarekhodi enqubo yomkhiqizo amashumi eminyaka.

umlando womlando:

Ithebula ledatha yenqubo elandelekayo lingathatha amasethi amaningi wamaphoyinti okusampula kumkhiqizo ngamunye, futhi likhiqize kabusha ngokunembile inani lokushisa lokucubungula lesigaba ngasinye somkhiqizo owodwa. Uhlelo lwesikrini sokuthinta lungagcina amarekhodi enqubo angaba ngu-30,000, angasekelwa i-U disk noma inethiwekhi; ohlelweni lwekhompiyutha yezimboni, akukho umkhawulo wesikhala sokulondoloza nhlobo, futhi wonke amarekhodi enqubo yomkhiqizo amashumi eminyaka agcinwa unomphela.

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