- 07
- Dec
Wat is ‘n intermediêre frekwensie induksie verhardingstoerusting en wat is sy kenmerke?
Wat is ‘n intermediêre frekwensie induksie verhardingstoerusting en wat is sy kenmerke?
The intermediate frequency induction hardening equipment is mainly composed of three parts: intermediate frequency power supply, hardening control equipment (including inductors) and hardening machine tools. The induction hardening method is one of the main surface hardening methods in the modern machine manufacturing industry. It has a series of advantages such as good quality, fast speed, less oxidation, low cost, good working conditions and easy realization of mechanization and automation. According to the size of the workpiece and the depth of the hardened layer to determine the appropriate power and frequency (can be power frequency, intermediate frequency and high frequency). The shape and size of the inductor mainly depend on the shape of the workpiece and the requirements of the quenching process. Quenching machine tools are also varied according to the size, shape and quenching process requirements of the workpiece. For mass-produced parts, especially on automated production lines, special machine tools are often used. Generally, small and medium-sized factories often use general-purpose hardening machine tools due to the large batches and small quantities of workpieces.
Kenmerke van mediumfrekwensie induksie verhardingstoerusting:
1. Simple production operation, flexible feeding and discharging, high degree of automation, and online production can be realized;
2. The workpiece has fast heating speed, less oxidation and decarburization, high efficiency, and good forging quality;
3. Die verhittingslengte, spoed en temperatuur van die werkstuk kan presies beheer word;
4. The workpiece is heated uniformly, the temperature difference between the core and the surface is small, and the control accuracy is high;
5. The sensor can be carefully made according to customer requirements;
6. All-round energy-saving optimized design, low energy consumption, high efficiency, and lower production cost than coal;
7. Dit voldoen aan die vereistes van omgewingsbeskerming, het lae besoedeling, en verminder ook die arbeidsintensiteit van werkers.