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Main technical parameters of seamless steel pipe quenching production line

Main technical parameters of seamless steel pipe quenching production line:

1. Fais fab mov system: cua sov fais fab mov + quenching fais fab mov

2. Scope ntawm daim ntawv thov: Scope ntawm daim ntawv thov ø20-ø375mm

3. Cov zis ib teev: 1.5-10 tons

4. Conveying roller table: Lub axis ntawm lub rooj rau cov menyuam thiab lub axis ntawm lub workpiece tsim ib lub kaum sab xis ntawm 18-21 °, thiab lub workpiece txav mus rau pem hauv ntej ntawm ib tug tas mus li ceev thaum autotransmitting, thiaj li hais tias cov cua sov yog ntau uniform. Lub rooj rau cov menyuam nruab nrab ntawm lub qhov cub lub cev yog ua los ntawm 304 tsis-magnetic stainless hlau thiab dej-txias.

5. Cov txheej txheem pub mis: txhua axis yog tsav los ntawm kev ywj pheej lub cev muaj zog reducer thiab tswj los ntawm ib qho kev ywj pheej zaus converter; qhov sib txawv ceev cov zis yog flexibly tsim, thiab khiav ceev yog tswj nyob rau hauv seem.

6. Pier taub hau kub them nyiaj system: Ib qho tshwj xeeb pier taub hau kub them nyiaj system yog tsim los rau txoj kab uas hla ntawm lub taub hau pier uas txawv ntawm qhov nruab nrab ntawm lub casing. Qhov kub them nyiaj induction rauv taug qab lub taub hau pier kom raug kom ntseeg tau tias qhov kub sib txawv ntawm lub taub hau pier thiab nruab nrab yog tswj tsis pub dhau 20 ℃

7. Daim ntawv qhia kev ua haujlwm: kev tswj hwm daim ntawv qhia muaj zog, tom qab nkag mus rau qib steel, txheej txheej, thiab phab ntsa thickness tsis ua, qhov cuam tshuam tsis zoo yuav raug hu ua, thiab tsis tas yuav tsum tau sau ntawv, sab laj, thiab nkag mus rau parameter qhov tseem ceeb yuav tsum tau los ntawm ntau yam workpieces.

8. Kev tswj qhov kub thiab txias: cua sov thiab quenching txais yuav American Leitai infrared tus pas ntsuas kub kaw-voj tswj kom raug tswj qhov kub thiab txias.

9. Muaj lub tshuab computer: lub sijhawm tiag tiag ntawm cov xwm txheej ntawm kev ua haujlwm tsis ua haujlwm ntawm lub sijhawm, thiab kev ua haujlwm ntawm workpiece parameter nco, khaws cia, luam ntawv, ua txhaum cai, tswb thiab lwm yam.

10. Kev hloov hluav taws xob: cua sov + quenching txoj kev tau txais yuav, kev siv hluav taws xob yog 450-550 degrees ib tuj.
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