- 22
- Dec
Bar quenching lan tempering lini produksi
Bar quenching lan tempering lini produksi
Main technical parameters of bar quenching and tempering production line:
1. Sistem sumber daya: quenching power supply + tempering power supply
2. The output per hour is 0.5-3.5 tons, and the scope of application is above ø20-ø120mm.
3. Meja roller conveying: Sumbu meja roller lan sumbu workpiece mbentuk sudut 18-21 °. Bahan kerja muter nalika maju kanthi kecepatan konstan kanggo nggawe pemanasan luwih seragam. Tabel roller ing antarane awak pawon digawe saka stainless steel non-magnetik 304 lan digawe adhem banyu.
4. Panglompokan meja Roller: grup dipakani, grup sensor lan grup discharging sing independen kontrol, kang kondusif kanggo dadi panas tanpa nyebabake longkangan antarane workpieces.
5. Temperatur kontrol loop tertutup: loro quenching lan tempering nggunakake American Leitai thermometer infrared sistem kontrol loop tertutup kanggo ngontrol suhu kanthi akurat.
6. Industrial computer system of quenching and tempering heat treatment equipment: real-time display of the status of working parameters at the time, and functions of workpiece parameter memory, storage, printing, fault display, alarm and so on.
7. Energy conversion: using quenching + tempering method, power consumption per ton is 280-320 degrees.
8. Human-machine interface PLC automatic intelligent control system, “one-key start” production worry-free.
Advantages of the bar quenching and tempering production line:
1. Iku adopts anyar IGBT air-cooled kontrol sumber daya panas induksi, konsumsi daya kurang, hemat energi lan lingkungan pangayoman, lan efficiency produksi dhuwur.
2. The bar material quenching and tempering production line designed by Yuantuo adopts V-shaped rolls arranged diagonally in the transmission design to reduce radial runout.
3. Kacepetan pemanasan cepet, oksidasi permukaan kurang, proses quenching lan tempering ing proses pemanasan puteran, lan baja nduweni straightness apik lan ora mlengkung sawise quenching lan tempering.
4. Sawise perawatan panas, workpiece nduweni konsistensi saka atose dhuwur banget, uniformity saka microstructure, banget dhuwur kateguhan lan impact kekuatan.
5. The PLC touch screen control system can record and save all the process parameters of induction hardening and tempering of the workpiece, which is convenient for you to view the historical records in the future.