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Bhawa inodzima uye tempering yekugadzira tambo

Bhawa inodzima uye tempering yekugadzira tambo


Main technical parameters of bar quenching and tempering production line:

1. Simba rekupa hurongwa: kudzima magetsi emagetsi + kupisa magetsi

2. The output per hour is 0.5-3.5 tons, and the scope of application is above ø20-ø120mm.

3. Kuendesa tafura yeroller: Iyo axis yetafura ye roller uye axis ye workpiece inoumba kona ye 18-21 °. Iyo workpiece inotenderera ichienda kumberi nekumhanya kunogara kuchiita kuti kupisa kuwedzere yunifomu. Tafura yeroller pakati pemiviri yevira inogadzirwa ne304 isiri-magnetic simbi isina tsvina uye mvura-yakatonhorera.

4. Roller table grouping: boka rekudya, boka rekunzwa uye boka rekubudiswa rinotungamirirwa zvakasununguka, izvo zvinoita kuti urambe uchipisa pasina kukonzera kusiyana pakati pekushanda.

5. Tembiricha yakavharwa-loop control: zvese kudzima uye kupisa zvinotora American Leitai infrared thermometer yakavharwa-loop control system kuti inyatso kudzora tembiricha.

6. Industrial computer system of quenching and tempering heat treatment equipment: real-time display of the status of working parameters at the time, and functions of workpiece parameter memory, storage, printing, fault display, alarm and so on.

7. Energy conversion: using quenching + tempering method, power consumption per ton is 280-320 degrees.

8. Human-machine interface PLC automatic intelligent control system, “one-key start” production worry-free.

Advantages of the bar quenching and tempering production line:

1. Inotora itsva IGBT air-cooled induction heat power supply control, shoma simba rekushandisa, kuchengetedza simba nekuchengetedzwa kwezvakatipoteredza, uye kukwirira kwekugadzirwa kwepamusoro.

2. The bar material quenching and tempering production line designed by Yuantuo adopts V-shaped rolls arranged diagonally in the transmission design to reduce radial runout.

3. Kukurumidza kupisa kwekukurumidza, kuderera kwepamusoro pe oxidation, kudzima uye kupisa mukati mekutenderera kunopisa, uye simbi ine kutwasuka kwakanaka uye isina kukotama mushure mekudzima uye kupisa.

4. Mushure mekupisa kwekupisa, workpiece ine kuenderana kwekuoma kwakanyanya, kufanana kwe microstructure, kuoma kwakanyanya uye simba rekuita.

5. The PLC touch screen control system can record and save all the process parameters of induction hardening and tempering of the workpiece, which is convenient for you to view the historical records in the future.

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