- 10
- Aug
Tungsten-molybdenum yepakati frequency sintering choto – hydrogen sintering choto, yepakati frequency sintering choto mugadziri
Tungsten-molybdenum yepakati frequency sintering choto – hydrogen sintering furnace, medium frequency sintering furnace manufacturer
Main kusarudzwa paramita ye tungsten-molybdenum yepakati frequency sintering vira, kuumbwa kwe tungsten-molybdenum yepakati frequency sintering choto, tsananguro ye sintering vira, kupisa chinhu uchishandisa tungsten-rhenium inodziya element, yepakati frequency sintering mugadziri wevira.
Tungsten-molybdenum yepakati frequency sintering choto
Iyo tungsten-molybdenum yepakati frequency sintering furemu inonyanya kuumbwa ne thyristor yepakati frequency magetsi magetsi, hydrogen sintering choto uye otomatiki tembiricha yekudzora system. Kuumbwa kwechikamu chimwe nechimwe kunotevera:
The thyristor intermediate frequency power supply ine KGPS-350/2.5 350KW 2.5KHz magetsi emagetsi kabati, magetsi ekupisa capacitor cabinet, kubatanidza mabhawa emhangura uye injini michina;
Iyo sintering vira inoumbwa ne tank body, inductor, alumina, zirconia refractory zvinhu, yakavhurika kudzoka tangi remvura, hydrogen / nitrogen inoyerera inodzora valve yekudzora bhodhi, uye choto chemuviri gantry;
Iyo tembiricha otomatiki yekudzora sisitimu inoyerwa neWre5-26 thermocouple, inodzorwa neiyo tembiricha regulator, uye yakanyorwa nerekodha. Iyo yese control system yakaiswa pane kabati-inoshanda console yekutonga. Detailed configuration iri sezvinotevera:
1, yepakati frequency simba rekupa KGPF350KW/2.5 1 set
2, iyo IF nhanho resonant capacitor mabhangi
3 , sensor 1 set
4 , sintering choto muviri 1 set
5, the inductor and capacitor connected between the copper and the engine mechanism 1 set
6 , Wre5-26 thermocouple 1 set
7, PID tembiricha yekudzora chiridzwa 2
8, infrared thermometer Taiwan
9, dzorera tangi yemvura (ine tembiricha yekuyedza tembiricha) 1 set
10, 1 seti yetambo, mbariro dzemhangura, nezvimwe zvinodikanwa pakubatanidza pakati pezvishandiso zvakasiyana
11 , refractory materials 1 set
12 , gantry 1 set
13 , inoyerera inoshandura vharafu ndiro 1 set
14, isina mapepa rekodhi 1 seti
15 , the operating cabinet 1 set
Main kusarudzwa paramita ye tungsten-molybdenum yepakati frequency sintering furnace
Saizi yehukuru hwekushandisa: dhayamita φ 560 mm kureba 1200mm ukobvu
Sintering maximum temperature: not less than 2200 °C
Temperature control accuracy: ± 10 °C
Rated simba: 350KW
Kushanda frequency: 2500Hz
Otomatiki tembiricha kuyerwa, kuratidza, otomatiki kurekodha
Kudzivirirwa kweHydrogen muchoto, chinogadziriswa chinoyerera chinobuda, slag discharge
Ne overcurrent, overvoltage, phase kurasikirwa, kusakwana kwemvura kumanikidzwa, pamusoro tembiricha, simba kutadza kudzivirira
Rondedzero yezvakakosha zvikamu zve tungsten-molybdenum yepakati frequency sintering vira:
Zvinoenderana ne350KW, 2500Hz yepakati frequency magetsi magetsi, sarudza zvinotevera zvikamu:
Rectifier thyristor KP800A/1200V Xiangfan Instrument Component Factory
Inverter thyristor KK800A/1600V ; Xiangfan Instrument Component Factory
Automatic air switch DZ20-1000A ; Huanyu Electric
Fast fuse 800A/500V ; Iyo kambani Long Shen
Control Board Fifth Generation Full Digital Programmable Logic Array Control Board
Power cabinet GGD type front and rear double door structure,
Magetsi Capacitor RFM2-0.75-1000-2.5S Zhejiang Xin’anjiang Power Capacitor Co., Ltd.
Tungsten-rhenium thermocouple 0- 22 00 °C
9. infrared thermometer Femtosecond Optoelectronics Technology (Xi’an) Co., Ltd.
10. Instrument control components:
10.1. Paperless Recorder
10.2.ID temperature adjustment instrument FP21-1 (4)I006
Tsanangudzo yehunyanzvi ye tungsten-molybdenum yepakati frequency sintering furnace
1. SCR yepakati frequency magetsi magetsi: Mamiriro ayo makuru anofanirwa kuita zvinotevera zvinodiwa:
Kudzora sisitimu yakazara dhijitari, hapana relay control
Iyo control system inoshandisa ISP programmable logic array template yakabatanidzwa kutonga.
1.2 Unique scanning start mode with 100% startup success rate
Kuvimbika kwepamusoro uye kugadzikana kwepamusoro
1.4 magetsi emagetsi anogara achibuda, anovimbisa yakakwira simba chinhu
1.5 yakakwana uye yakavimbika kudzivirira
The control circuit shall be provided with various protection measures such as overcurrent, intermediate frequency voltage overvoltage, phase loss, undervoltage of the control circuit board, low cooling water pressure, and high cooling water temperature, and corresponding sound and light alarms are given.
Advanced phase sequence kuzvizivisa
The control system contains a phase sequence self-identification circuit, and the incoming three-phase power supply can be arbitrarily connected.
1.7 Tembiricha yakavharwa loop control interface:
Iyo magetsi inopihwa tembiricha yekunze loop control interface, yakasanganiswa neyekunze PLC, infrared thermometer kana thermocouple uye PID tembiricha yekudzora tembiricha, iyo inogona nyore kuona tembiricha uye simba rakavharika-loop control system, kuitira kuti kupisa. tembiricha yeworkpiece inogadziriswa otomatiki kune yekumisikidza chiridzwa. Kuverengera kukosha.
1.8 yakavimbika uye yakachengeteka yakazara silicon furemu yekuisa fomu
1.9 shandisa GGD cabinet
GGD-type enclosure ine musanganiswa wekutonhora-yakaumbwa unit cabinet, yese ye conductive contact surfaces yemukati ma frequency power supply yakabatana nemarata akajeka akaputirwa mhangura azere kureba kwe10-15 μ m.
1. 10 Imwe neimwe tembiricha yemvura yekuona basa inomira otomatiki kana kutadza kuchiitika.
1. 11 Iyo ine yekunze yekuvharira interface uye inomira kana iyo interface yakavharwa.
2. Sensor coil
2.1 Kuti uderedze tangi ikozvino uye kuderedza kurasikirwa kweinductor, iyo induction coil yakagadzirirwa kukwidziridzwa.
2.2 Injini yekuburitsa ingori mbiri.
2.3 The coil column is insulated by a porcelain bottle between the grooved stainless steel column and the coil.
2.4 Kumusoro kwekoiri kunopfapfaidzwa neresin itching kudzivirira kuiswa kweguruva resimbi uye kunatsiridza simba rekudzivirira.
2.6 Mushure mekutenderedza iyo hydrostatic bvunzo 0.6MPa / 30min, kuve nechokwadi chemvura coil.
3. Kudzora hurongwa uye kushanda cabinet
Operation panel is mainly used for electrical operation and control of the sintering furnace, the temperature control of the recording.
3.1 Kabati yekushanda inotora chimiro chakatwasuka, uye kabati yekuvhiya inzvimbo yekumberi nekumashure yekuvhura gonhi. Kuputira gomba diki, kuitira kuti infrared, thermocouple uye masaini tambo mune inosanganisirwa frequency magetsi inotungamira.
3.2 Iyo cabinet ine terminal block (kusanganisira spare terminal), air switch, switching power supply nezvimwe zvinhu. Iyo switching regulator magetsi inosvika ± 12VDC, iyo inoshandiswa kupa simba kune infrared thermometer. Uye kune maviri-chikamu chemagetsi socket kuti vashandi vekugadzirisa vashande.
3.3 Iyo mesa inoshongedzerwa ina yepakati frequency inoratidza matafura epakati frequency voltage, DC voltage, DC ikozvino uye yepakati frequency simba.
3.4 Kuyera kuyera kuyerwa uye kudzorwa ne thermocouple uye infrared:
3.4.1. Infrared meter:
The infrared detector is placed on the three-dimensional adjustable mounting bracket, the signal processing unit is installed near the furnace cover, and the signal unit and the operation console are connected by a shielded cable.
3.5. The recorder adopts the latest generation of paperless recorder . 3.6. Switch and indicator: The switch and indicator on the console display and execute faults respectively, automatic / hand
Dynamic, thermocouple / infrared, control switch, yepakati frequency kutanga uye kumira, kugadzirisa simba uye mamwe mabasa.
3.7 PID tembiricha yekudzora chiridzwa: Muchina uyu unosarudza mhando mbiri dzePID tembiricha yekudzora zviridzwa zvine basa rimwe chete. Ndiyo FP21 mhando yeSHIMADEN CO., LTD. Imwe yacho inoshandiswa kune thermocouple tembiricha yekudzora, uye imwe yacho. Inoshandiswa kudzora tembiricha ye infrared.
4 , sintering furnace body
Muviri wevira: maviri akaturikidzana mukati nekunze, iyo yekunze layer yakasungwa ne10mm gobvu 16Mn welding zvinhu. 8mm gobvu yemukati layer inoiswa welded 1Cr18Ni9Ti, yakawedzera kusimbisa mbariro, kudzivirira yakawandisa mvura kumanikidza choto liner deformed mukati uye kunze akaturikidzana, pakati uye pasi.Internal welded nekupeta pedals: yakarongedzwa muzvikamu zviviri zvekusaruramisa , iyo inogona kushandiswa nevashandi pakurodha. nekuburutsa. Nekuda kwekukwirira kwepamusoro, mapedal akarongwa muzvikamu zviviri, ane tsoka nhatu dzepasi pauriri hwega hwega uye yepasi pasi kuti vashandi vatore repamusoro. Nyaya yacho inoshandiswa, uye chidimbu chezasi chinoshandiswa nemushandi kutora chikamu chepasi. Mushure mekushandisa, peta tsoka pedal kudzivirira kuti isapisa ne sensor.
5 , bhenji rebasa:
Gantry work surface height from the ground 1. 8 M, from the height of the furnace opening 0.6M, 2.9M overall height. Fenced outside, the middle set Buti, Buti worktop surface and the tread plate is made of non-slip. A hydrogen and nitrogen control box is arranged on the side of the step ladder, and a rotor flow meter and a gas switching valve are arranged inside to switch the gas and adjust the flow rate. The gantry is made detachable and separated along the diameter of the furnace body, and the furnace body is placed. Once in place, close the stand and tighten with bolts.
6 , kupisa muviri
Iyo tungsten crucible heat element inoshandiswa kupisa iyo tungsten crucible nekudziisa induction, uyezve zvinhu zvinopisa zvinopisa.
This set of equipment has a tungsten crucible size of φ 560 × 1200 . Wall thickness:
7, refractory zvinhu
The refractory material between the inductor and the tungsten crucible consists of aluminum oxide and zirconium oxide.