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Molao-motheo oa ho futhumatsa ka induction ho tima le ho itšepa ha li-welds

Molao-motheo oa motheo oa ho tima mocheso oa induction le ho iphahamisa ha li-welds

The tjheseletsa mocheso kalafo mokhoa a loketse bakeng sa k’habone tlaase le tlaase alloy tšepe welded phala tjheseletsa mocheso kalafo, ‘me molao-motheo oa eona ke ka tsela e latelang.

(1) Ho hloekisa lithollo tsa tšepe ea weld. Mocheso o phahameng oa fusion ea welding o etsa hore lithollo tsa weld le libaka tse amehang ke mocheso li be mahoashe, ho fokotsa matla le ho tiea ha eona. Ka mor’a hore mocheso oa induction o sebelisetsoe ho phahamisa mocheso ka potlako ho mocheso oa austenitizing, lijo-thollo tse ntle li fumanoa ka ho tima ka potlako, e leng ho felisang lijo-thollo tsa weld le ho ntlafatsa tshebetso ea eona.

(2) Sebelisa ho tima mocheso o setseng ho etsa mocheso o tlase oa mocheso oa ho futhumatsa seam ho futhumatsa mocheso ho tima mocheso, hang-hang fafatsa metsi a pholileng, ha seam sa welding se pholile ho 200 ~ 300 ° C, khaotsa ho fafatsa metsi a pholileng, ka nako ena mocheso oa seam oa welding. e bitsoa the quenching termination them . The weld e ntan’o pholile moeeng bakeng sa ho itšehla thajana, ‘me mocheso o itekanetseng ke 250 ~ 150°C. Ha weld e pholile ho tloha mocheso oa austenitizing quenching ho 200 ~ 300 ° C, mohaho o motsoako oa martensite le o bolokiloeng oa austenite o thehoa. Ha o halefile ka mocheso o tlase oa 250 ~ 150 ° C, martensite ka weld e senyeha ho fokotsa boima, ha austenite e bolokiloeng e fetoha martensite ea bainite kapa e halefileng, e leng ho eketsang boima. Ka lebaka la phello e kopantsoeng ea keketseho ena le ho fokotseha, tšepe ea weld e boloka matla a phahameng le boima bo botle.

Ka bokhutšoanyane, ka mor’a ho futhumatsa ka potlako le ho tiisa le ho tima, lithollo tsa tšepe tsa weld li hloekisoa. Ka nako e ts’oanang, mocheso oa ho felisa o tima o laoloa ho boloka ho tiea ho hotle ha weld. Ka mor’a mocheso o tlase oa mocheso, ho fumanoa mohaho o motle oa martensite, e le hore weld e be le boima bo phahameng le matla a phahameng. Ona ke molao-motheo oa ho tima mocheso oa induction le ho itšepa ha li-welds.

Molao-motheo oa ho futhumatsa ka induction ho tima le ho itšepa ha li-welds

The tjheseletsa mocheso kalafo mokhoa a loketse bakeng sa k’habone tlaase le tlaase alloy tšepe welded phala tjheseletsa mocheso kalafo, ‘me molao-motheo oa eona ke ka tsela e latelang.

(1) Ho hloekisa lithollo tsa tšepe ea weld. Mocheso o phahameng oa fusion ea welding o etsa hore lithollo tsa weld le libaka tse amehang ke mocheso li be mahoashe, ho fokotsa matla le ho tiea ha eona. Ka mor’a hore mocheso oa induction o sebelisetsoe ho phahamisa mocheso ka potlako ho mocheso oa austenitizing, lijo-thollo tse ntle li fumanoa ka ho tima ka potlako, e leng ho felisang lijo-thollo tsa weld le ho ntlafatsa tshebetso ea eona.

(2) Sebelisa ho tima mocheso o setseng ho etsa mocheso o tlase oa mocheso oa ho futhumatsa seam ho futhumatsa mocheso ho tima mocheso, hang-hang fafatsa metsi a pholileng, ha seam sa welding se pholile ho 200 ~ 300 ° C, khaotsa ho fafatsa metsi a pholileng, ka nako ena mocheso oa seam oa welding. e bitsoa the quenching termination them . The weld e ntan’o pholile moeeng bakeng sa ho itšehla thajana, ‘me mocheso o itekanetseng ke 250 ~ 150°C. Ha weld e pholile ho tloha mocheso oa austenitizing quenching ho 200 ~ 300 ° C, mohaho o motsoako oa martensite le o bolokiloeng oa austenite o thehoa. Ha o halefile ka mocheso o tlase oa 250 ~ 150 ° C, martensite ka weld e senyeha ho fokotsa boima, ha austenite e bolokiloeng e fetoha martensite ea bainite kapa e halefileng, e leng ho eketsang boima. Ka lebaka la phello e kopantsoeng ea keketseho ena le ho fokotseha, tšepe ea weld e boloka matla a phahameng le boima bo botle.

Ka bokhutšoanyane, ka mor’a ho futhumatsa ka potlako le ho tiisa le ho tima, lithollo tsa tšepe tsa weld li hloekisoa. Ka nako e ts’oanang, mocheso oa ho felisa o tima o laoloa ho boloka ho tiea ho hotle ha weld. Ka mor’a mocheso o tlase oa mocheso, ho fumanoa mohaho o motle oa martensite, e le hore weld e be le boima bo phahameng le matla a phahameng. Ona ke molao-motheo oa ho tima mocheso oa induction le ho itšepa ha li-welds.