- 26
- Sep
What aspects should be paid attention to when designing the quenching cooling medium pipeline?
What aspects should be paid attention to when designing the quenching cooling medium pipeline?
(1) Tank capacity The tank capacity is similar to that of the cooling water tank, but when the quenching cooling medium tank is integrated with the machine tool mechanical lifting mechanism, due to the shorter pipeline, it can be designed to be smaller in order to reduce the volume of the bed to meet the quenching water pump Recycling supply is fine.
(2) Karkaisun jäähdytysaineen syöttö Jäähdytysaineen syöttö on suhteessa karkaisuvesipumpun virtausnopeuteen, ja tämä virtausnopeus riippuu työkappaleen ensisijaisesta karkaisupinnasta ja vaaditusta ruiskutustiheydestä [mL/ (cm2s) )], eli neliösenttimetriä kohden Ruiskutetun veden määrä sekunnissa (ml). Eri teräsmateriaalien ja eri lämmitysmenetelmien ruiskutustiheys on esitetty taulukossa. Jotkut japanilaiset tehtaat käyttävät 20-30 ml/ (cm2s).
Taulukko 8-6 Sammutusaineen suihketiheyden suositusarvo
Luokka Ruiskutustiheys/ [mL/ (cm2s)]
General surface hardening 10-15
Diaterminen sammutus 40 ~ 50
Alhaisen karkenevuuden teräksen karkaisu 60 ~ 100
(3) The size of the filter mesh of the quenching liquid is a function of the spray aperture. The diameter of ordinary fiber or iron powder is often between 70~100pim. The smaller the spray aperture, the finer the filter screen is required, and the spray aperture is general. Not less than 1mm, so the aperture of the filter screen is required to be less than 1 mm. In actual production, 0.3~0.8mm is used. If the filter screen is too small, the resistance will be increased, and the channel area will also decrease under a certain pipe diameter.
(4) The number of spray holes Regarding the number of spray holes on the effective circle of the sensor, it is generally specified as 3 ~ 4/cm2, and the holes should not be too dense. Due to the large or small pore diameter, some materials recommend that the cross-sectional area of the spray hole on the effective ring should be less than 15% of the quenching surface area and greater than 5% of the quenching surface area.
(5) The area of the nozzle inlet pipe The ratio of the total cross-sectional area of the nozzle inlet pipe to the total cross-sectional area of the spray hole should be 1:1 as much as possible. When the quenching water pump pressure is large enough (such as 0.4 MPa or more), it can be Change this ratio, but it is better not to exceed 1:2.
(6) Ruiskutuspaine Yleensä, kun ruiskutuspaine on 0.1 MPa, keskihiilirakenneteräs voidaan karkaista. Käytännössä on kuitenkin havaittu, että mitä suurempi ruiskutuspaine on, sitä merkittävämpi on ohuen oksidisuolen hankausvaikutus pinnalle. Karkaisulle ja halkeilemiselle alttiiden työkappaleiden ruiskutuspaine on harkittava huolellisesti.