- 18
- Aug
Cara nggunakake aman saka piranti weker bocor crucible saka tungku leleh logam
Cara nggunakake aman saka piranti weker bocor crucible saka tungku leleh logam
The crucible leakage alarm device of the logam tungku leleh is necessary to ensure safe production, prevent the occurrence and expansion of furnace leakage accidents, help judge the use of the furnace lining, and prolong the furnace age. It is necessary to set up a crucible leakage alarm system. Generally, a direct current alarm device is used to install the stainless steel wire bottom electrode (first electrode) in contact with the molten iron and the stainless steel plate (mesh) side electrode (second electrode) between the induction coil of the furnace lining. Connect the electrode leads to the alarm device. When the molten metal leaks to the side electrode, the current rises to the set value, and the alarm device is activated. During the installation of the alarm device, it is necessary to check whether the connection between the lead wire and the electrode is good; whether the lead wire is grounded (resistance to ground> 5kC). During operation, sometimes the stainless steel wire melts at the bottom of the furnace. You can insert a conductive rod into the molten iron and use a multimeter to measure it. If the stainless steel wire is disconnected in the furnace lining, the alarm system will fail and it can only be laid when the furnace is rebuilt next time. After the alarm occurs, check whether it is a false alarm (false alarms mainly include: induced potential interference, lead wire grounding, and furnace lining wet). If the false alarm is eliminated, the furnace lining can be determined to be damaged.
Lapisan anyar saka tungku peleburan logam ana ing tahap awal leleh saka oven lapisan. Amarga adsorpsi banyu lan udan banyu kristal asam borat ing permukaan lapisan, resistensi lapisan mudhun, lan maca ammeter weker mundhak. Nalika dhuwur, nilai weker bisa digayuh, nanging saiki umume mundhak kanthi bertahap ing wektu iki. Sawise sawetara tungku dilebur, mboko sithik bakal mudhun lan bali menyang kisaran normal, sing bisa dibedakake saka saiki weker bocor umum. Kadhangkala weker saiki, sing wis mudhun ing wektu pangatusan, wis wiwit munggah maneh. Ing wektu iki, tungku dipriksa lan ditemokake yen amarga operasi ceroboh, scaffolding bahan wesi sing ditambahake nyebabake suhu leleh wesi molten ngisor mundhak banget lan ngluwihi suhu sintering. (Ndhuwur 1600 ° C), kabeh lapisan tungku disinter kanthi meh mung lapisan sintered vitrified lan hard, tanpa lapisan transisi lan lapisan longgar, saéngga nyebabake kacilakan bocor tungku. Ing wektu iki, weker bocor tungku sajrone oven wis bener. Tungku peleburan frekuensi menengah 3t nggunakake piranti weker liyane, siji-sijine piranti deteksi bocor grounding. Piranti kasebut kalebu modul deteksi grounding sing disambungake menyang sumber daya lan probe bocor grounding sing ana ing tungku. Yen cairan paduan kontak karo kumparan, probe bocor grounding bakal mimpin arus kumparan menyang lemah, lan modul probe grounding bakal ndeteksi lan ngethok. Sumber daya kanggo mungkasi breakdown busur saka kumparan lan nyegah Cairan alloy saka mbeta dhuwur voltase. Piranti uji coba bocor lemah sing dicekel tangan bisa digunakake kanggo mriksa kanthi rutin lan rutin apa sistem probe bocor lemah saka pawon utuh lan dipercaya kanggo mesthekake yen probe bocor lemah wis rampung, supaya safety operator lan tungku dijamin.