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The crucible leakage alarm device of the 金屬熔爐 is necessary to ensure safe production, prevent the occurrence and expansion of furnace leakage accidents, help judge the use of the furnace lining, and prolong the furnace age. It is necessary to set up a crucible leakage alarm system. Generally, a direct current alarm device is used to install the stainless steel wire bottom electrode (first electrode) in contact with the molten iron and the stainless steel plate (mesh) side electrode (second electrode) between the induction coil of the furnace lining. Connect the electrode leads to the alarm device. When the molten metal leaks to the side electrode, the current rises to the set value, and the alarm device is activated. During the installation of the alarm device, it is necessary to check whether the connection between the lead wire and the electrode is good; whether the lead wire is grounded (resistance to ground> 5kC). During operation, sometimes the stainless steel wire melts at the bottom of the furnace. You can insert a conductive rod into the molten iron and use a multimeter to measure it. If the stainless steel wire is disconnected in the furnace lining, the alarm system will fail and it can only be laid when the furnace is rebuilt next time. After the alarm occurs, check whether it is a false alarm (false alarms mainly include: induced potential interference, lead wire grounding, and furnace lining wet). If the false alarm is eliminated, the furnace lining can be determined to be damaged.

金屬熔煉爐的新爐襯處於爐襯爐熔化的初期。 由於襯裡表面吸附水和硼酸結晶水析出,襯裡電阻降低,報警電流表讀數上升。 高時可達到報警值,但此時電流一般逐漸升高。 幾爐熔化後,會逐漸減小,恢復到正常範圍,可以與一般漏電報警電流區分開來。 有時,在乾燥期間一直呈下降趨勢的警報電流又開始上升。 這時對爐子進行檢查,發現由於操作不慎,添加的鐵料腳手架導致較低的鐵水熔化溫度急劇上升,超過了燒結溫度。 (1600℃以上)整個爐襯燒結,幾乎只有嚴重的玻璃化和硬質燒結層,沒有過渡層和鬆散層,造成漏爐事故。 此時烘爐中的漏爐報警是正確的。 3t中頻熔煉爐採用另一種報警裝置,一個接一個接地漏電檢測裝置。 該裝置包括連接到電源的接地檢測模塊和位於爐內的接地洩漏探頭。 如果合金液接觸到線圈,接地漏電探頭會將線圈電流引向大地,接地探頭模塊會檢測到並切斷。 電源停止線圈的電弧擊穿,防止合金液攜帶高壓。 手持式漏地探頭測試裝置可用於頻繁、定期檢查爐膛漏地探頭系統是否完好可靠,確保漏地探頭完全接地,確保操作人員和工作人​​員的安全。爐子有保證。