- 18
- Aug
Metoda pamakéan aman alat alarem leakage crucible tina tungku lebur logam
Metoda pamakéan aman alat alarem leakage crucible tina tungku lebur logam
The crucible leakage alarm device of the logam tungku lebur is necessary to ensure safe production, prevent the occurrence and expansion of furnace leakage accidents, help judge the use of the furnace lining, and prolong the furnace age. It is necessary to set up a crucible leakage alarm system. Generally, a direct current alarm device is used to install the stainless steel wire bottom electrode (first electrode) in contact with the molten iron and the stainless steel plate (mesh) side electrode (second electrode) between the induction coil of the furnace lining. Connect the electrode leads to the alarm device. When the molten metal leaks to the side electrode, the current rises to the set value, and the alarm device is activated. During the installation of the alarm device, it is necessary to check whether the connection between the lead wire and the electrode is good; whether the lead wire is grounded (resistance to ground> 5kC). During operation, sometimes the stainless steel wire melts at the bottom of the furnace. You can insert a conductive rod into the molten iron and use a multimeter to measure it. If the stainless steel wire is disconnected in the furnace lining, the alarm system will fail and it can only be laid when the furnace is rebuilt next time. After the alarm occurs, check whether it is a false alarm (false alarms mainly include: induced potential interference, lead wire grounding, and furnace lining wet). If the false alarm is eliminated, the furnace lining can be determined to be damaged.
Lapisan anyar tina tungku lebur logam aya dina tahap awal lebur oven lapisan. Kusabab adsorpsi cai sareng présipitasi cai kristal asam boric dina permukaan lapisan, résistansi lapisan turun, sareng bacaan ammeter alarem naék. Nalika éta luhur, nilai alarem tiasa dihontal, tapi arus umumna naék laun-laun dina waktos ayeuna. Saatos sababaraha tungku dilebur, éta laun-laun bakal turun sareng uih deui ka kisaran normal, anu tiasa dibédakeun tina arus alarem bocor umum. Kadang-kadang arus alarem, anu parantos turun dina waktos pengeringan, parantos naék deui. Dina waktos ieu, tungku ieu inspected sarta kapanggih yén alatan operasi cuek, parancah bahan beusi ditambahkeun ngabalukarkeun handap suhu lebur beusi molten naek sharply tur ngaleuwihan suhu sintering. (Di luhur 1600 ° C), sakabéh pinding tungku ieu sintered kalawan ampir ngan hiji parah vitrified sarta lapisan sintered teuas, tanpa lapisan transisi sarta lapisan leupas, sahingga ngabalukarkeun kacilakaan leakage tungku. Dina waktos ieu, alarm bocor tungku salami oven leres. The 3t tungku smelting frékuénsi panengah ngagunakeun alat alarem sejen, hiji-hiji grounding alat deteksi leakage. alat nu ngawengku modul deteksi grounding disambungkeun ka catu daya sarta usik leakage grounding lokasina di tungku. Upami cairan alloy ngahubungi coil, usik bocor grounding bakal nyababkeun arus coil kana taneuh, sareng modul usik grounding bakal ngadeteksi sareng motong éta. Catu daya pikeun ngeureunkeun ngarecahna arc tina coil sareng nyegah cairan alloy tina mawa tegangan tinggi. Alat uji usik bocor taneuh anu dicekel ku leungeun tiasa dianggo pikeun sering sareng rutin mariksa naha sistem usik bocor taneuh tina tungku gembleng sareng dipercaya pikeun mastikeun yén usik bocor taneuh parantos dibumi, ku kituna kasalametan operator sareng tungku dijamin.