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Application characteristics of epoxy resin board products

Maitiro ekushandisa e epoxy resin board zvinogadzirwa

1. Diverse forms, various resins, curing agents, and modifier systems can almost adapt to the requirements of various applications, ranging from extremely low viscosity to high melting point solids.

2. Kurapa kuri nyore: Sarudza zvakasiyana-siyana zvakasiyana-siyana zvinorapa, uye epoxy resin system inogona kurapwa patembiricha ye0~180℃.

3. Kunamatira kwakasimba: Kuvepo kwepolar hydroxyl uye ether bond inowanikwa mu molecular chain epoxy resin inoita kuti ive nekunamatira kwakanyanya kune zvakasiyana-siyana. Iyo shrinkage ye epoxy resin yakaderera kana ichirapa, uye kushushikana kwemukati kunogadzirwa kudiki, izvo zvinobatsirawo kuvandudza kusimba kwekunamatira.

4. Low shrinkage. The reaction between epoxy resin and curing agent is carried out by direct addition reaction or ring-opening polymerization reaction of epoxy group in resin molecule, and no water or other volatile by-products are released. Compared with unsaturated polyester resins and phenolic resins, they show very low shrinkage (less than 2%) during curing.

5. Mechanical properties: Iyo yakarapwa epoxy resin system ine yakanakisa ma mechanical properties.