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How to solve the cooling water accident of the induction melting machine?

How to solve the cooling water accident of the induction melting machine?

1. The high temperature of the cooling water of the induction melting machine is generally caused by the following reasons: the cooling water pipe of the sensor is blocked by foreign matter, and the water flow rate is reduced. At this time, it is necessary to cut off the power and blow the water pipe with compressed air to remove foreign objects. It is best not to stop the pump for more than 8 minutes. Another reason is that the coil cooling water channel has scale. According to the cooling water quality, there must be obvious scale blockage on the coil water channel every one to two years, and it needs to be pickled in advance.

2. The sensor water pipe of the induction melting machine suddenly leaks. The cause of water leakage is mostly caused by the insulation breakdown of the inductor to the water-cooled yoke or the surrounding fixed support. When this accident is discovered, the power supply should be cut off immediately, the insulation treatment of the breakdown area should be strengthened, and the surface of the leaking area should be sealed with epoxy resin or other insulating glue to reduce the voltage for use. The hot metal in this furnace should be hydrated, and the furnace can be repaired after it is poured. If the coil channel is broken down in a large area and the gap cannot be temporarily sealed with epoxy resin, the furnace has to be shut down, the molten iron is poured, and repaired.