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Set lengkap peralatan pemanasan induksi kanggo kenaikan suhu pipa baja

Set lengkap peralatan pemanasan induksi kanggo kenaikan suhu pipa baja


1. Main parameters and brand requirements of a complete set of induction heating equipment for steel pipe temperature raising

Peralatan utama saka sistem dadi panas iki kasusun saka rong 2000KVA enem-phase rectifier trafo, loro rolas-pulsa 1500KW / 1500Hz podo resonan daya Penyetor frekuensi penengah, loro lemantun kapasitor lan rong set induktor (6 set saben), karo daya total saka 3000KW. Sistem kontrol otomatis suhu dumadi saka komputer industri Advantech, Siemens S7-300 PLC, telung set termometer inframerah warna Raytek Amerika loro, telung set switch fotoelektrik Turck lan rong set piranti ukur kacepetan BALLUFF. Piranti lunak kontrol industri yaiku piranti lunak resmi Siemens.

2. Syarat parameter proses

A. Spesifikasi Pipa Baja:

Φ133×14 4.5m dawa (diameter njaba nyata kontrol ngisor Φ135)

Φ102×12 3 ~ 4.0m dawa (diameteripun njaba nyata kontrol ngisor Φ105)

Φ72×7 4.5m dawa (diameter njaba nyata kontrol ngisor Φ75)

B. Bahan pipa baja: TP304, TP321, TP316, TP347, P11, P22, lsp.

C. Heating temperature: about 150℃, the temperature before the stainless steel tube enters the furnace: the head is about 920~950℃, the tail is about 980~1000℃, and the internal temperature of the pipe is higher than the external temperature), the low temperature end is required to be heated and the whole The temperature is raised to (1070~1090) ℃ at the head and tail, and the temperature difference between the head and tail is controlled within 30 degrees when it is out of the furnace.

D. Maximum bend of steel pipe (straightness): 10mm/4500mm

F. Heating speed: ≥0.30m~0.45m/sm/s

E. Kontrol proses pemanasan: keseragaman suhu discharge kudu dipesthekake, lan deformasi pipa kudu dikurangi. Awak pawon duwe total 6 bagean, saben bagean dawane kira-kira 500mm (saben sumber daya ngontrol pemanasan 3 bagean awak tungku). Ing lawang mlebu lan metu saka saben klompok tungku Termometer rong warna dipasang kanggo pangukuran suhu, piranti pangukuran kacepetan dipasang kanggo pangukuran kacepetan, lan kontrol suhu loop tertutup diwujudake. Algoritma kontrol sing dipercaya lan dioptimalake digunakake. Sawise koleksi lan pangolahan data simulasi suhu, pitungan data, pangaturan dinamis lan kontrol sing tepat saka output saben klompok tungku Daya, kanggo mesthekake yen suhu discharge saka spesifikasi sing beda-beda saka tabung tabung cenderung konsisten, lan keseragaman luwih apik, lan ngatasi bebaya retak mikroskopis sing disebabake dening stres termal.

In addition, in order to make up for the time difference of the temperature measurement by the thermometer and improve the control sensitivity, a hot body detection device is installed at the entrance and exit of each group of furnaces to make the heating furnace more sensitive and reliable in maintaining power and high power switching between unfilled and filled materials.

3. Parameter trafo rectifier enem fase lan syarat fungsional:

The whole set of equipment uses two 2000KVA rectifier transformers, each with a 12-pulse rectifier structure. The main parameters are as follows:

Rated capacity: Sn=2000KVA

Primary voltage: U1=10KV 3φ 50Hz

Tegangan sekunder: U2 = 660V

Grup sambungan: d/d0, Y11

Efisiensi: η≥ 98%

Cara pendinginan: pendinginan alami sing dicelupake lenga

Fungsi pangayoman: trip gas abot, trip gas entheng, switch release meksa, weker over-suhu lenga

Kanthi ± 5%, 0% regulasi voltase telung tahap ing sisih tekanan dhuwur

4. Parameter utama lan syarat fungsional sumber daya frekuensi penengah kanggo set lengkap peralatan pemanasan induksi suhu pipa baja:

Tegangan input: 660V

Voltase DC: 890V

DC saiki: 1700A

Tegangan frekuensi penengah: 1350V

Frekuensi penengah: 1500Hz

Intermediate frequency power: 1500KW/each

5. syarat kapasitor kabinèt

a, pilihan kapasitor

1500Hz kapasitor pemanas listrik diprodhuksi dening Xin’anjiang Power Capacitor Factory

Model number: RFM2 1.4—2000—1.5S

Kapasitor dipasang ing ngisor pigura tungku kira-kira 500mm ing ngisor lantai pigura tungku, ambane trench luwih saka 1.00 meter, lan ambane trench 1.4 meter.

b. Water cooling pipeline requirements

Made of thick-walled stainless steel, 3.5-inch water inlet pipe, 4-inch water return pipe, and other 2.5-inch pipes, including stainless steel pipe fittings and switches.

6. Induktor lan syarat tungku

The two ends of the furnace body adopt copper guard plates to reduce magnetic leakage, and the design of water flow in the circumference of the furnace mouth. The chassis is made of non-magnetic stainless steel. The copper tube is wound with T2 oxygen-free copper, the wall thickness of the copper tube is greater than or equal to 2.5mm, and the furnace body insulation material is made of American Union Ore knotting material, which has high strength, high temperature resistance and longer service life; the furnace body guard plate adopts high strength Thick insulating board. The inlet and return water of the furnace body adopts stainless steel quick-change joints, which is convenient for the replacement of the furnace body.

Ana bolongan saluran ing ngisor awak tungku induksi, sing kanthi otomatis bisa ngirit banyu sing dikondensasi ing tungku.

7. Requirements kanggo krenjang ngangkat saka sensor

a. Gunggunge 6 kurung sensor dipasang ing antarane meja roller kanggo instalasi sensor.

b. In order to prevent the bracket from being heated, the bottom plate of the inductor and the top plate of the bracket are made of non-magnetic stainless steel.

c. Kanggo pipa baja kanthi diameter sing beda-beda, sensor sing cocog kudu diganti lan dhuwure tengah bisa diatur.

d. Bolongan bolt sensor digawe dadi bolongan dawa supaya gampang diatur.

e. Dhuwur tengah sensor bisa diatur dening nut kandang jaran ing piring soyo tambah sensor.

f. Loro bar tembaga nyambungake ing ngisor induktor lan kabel banyu-digawe adhem saka kabinet kapasitor sing saben disambungake karo 4 stainless steel (1Cr18Ni9Ti) bolts.

g. Pipa inlet lan outlet banyu saka sensor lan pipa banyu utama disambungake kanthi selang lan selang owah-owahan cepet, sing ora kena pengaruh kesalahan posisi, lan nyadari sambungan cepet saka saluran banyu sensor.

h. Sensor bisa diganti cepet, lan saben wektu panggantos kurang saka 10 menit, lan dilengkapi loro trolleys kanggo panggantos saka sensor.

8. Steel pipe centering cooling banyu lan mencet piranti

Kanggo nyegah pipa baja saka ganas mencet sensor nalika transmisi liwat tungku induksi lan nyebabake karusakan ing sensor, piranti centering pipa baja daya kudu diinstal ing welingan lan stopkontak ends saben sumber daya kanggo mesthekake yen pipa baja liwat sensor lancar. Tanpa kenek awak tungku. Dhuwur piranti iki bisa diatur, cocok kanggo pipa baja φ72, φ102, lan φ133. Kacepetan piranti iki bisa diatur, nggunakake motor konversi frekuensi Siemens lan konverter frekuensi, sawetara pangaturan kacepetan konversi frekuensi kurang saka 10 kali. Roller digawe adhem banyu digawe saka stainless steel non-magnetik.

9. Sistem pendinginan banyu sing ditutup

a. Piranti cooling sing ditutup kanthi aliran total banyu pendingin tungku 200 m3 / h nuduhake siji set utawa siji set saben, nanging sumber daya frekuensi penengah, kapasitor resonansi, lan sistem banyu sensor kudu dipisahake kanggo nyegah gangguan. Piranti pendinginan sing ditutup kudu digawe saka baja galvanis sing diimpor panas, penggemar merek, pompa banyu lan komponen kontrol.

b. Pipa cooling banyu kudu digawe saka stainless steel tembok nglukis, kalebu fittings pipe stainless steel lan switch.