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Kuumbwa uye basa resimbi pombi kudzimisa uye tempering kugadzirwa mutsetse

Kuumbwa uye basa resimbi pombi kudzimisa uye tempering kugadzirwa mutsetse

1. Kurodha chikuva

Iyo yekurodha chikuva murwi wepombi dzesimbi dzinofanira kudziyiswa. Chikuva chakasungwa ne16mm gobvu simbi ndiro uye 20 inopisa-yakakungurutswa I-beam. Kufara kwepuratifomu ndeye 200mm, uye chikuva chine 2.4 ° inclination. Inogona kubata 8 φ325 simbi mapaipi, chikuva uye mbiru. Yakabatanidzwa nemabhaudhi. Kana ichishanda, crane inogona kusimudza sumbu rese papuratifomu, uye iyo yakawanda bundle mudziyo inopa chikafu. Iyo yakawanda bundle mudziyo inofambiswa nemhepo cylinder. Mushure mekunge bundle rasunungurwa, pombi dzesimbi dzinopisa dzinongotenderera dzichienda papuratifomu imwe neimwe uye yozviparadzanisa. Pachinzvimbo chemidziyo, nzira yekuparadzanisa inotumira kunze nekukungurutsa zvinhu kusvika kumagumo epuratifomu yekurodha pasi pekutonga kwekurova. Iyo yekupedzisira inoshongedzerwa neyakavharira chinzvimbo chigaro chekuvhara zvinhu uye kuchimisa muV-shaped groove.

2. Kudyisa shanduro yekushandura

Nzira yekushandura yekudya inofambiswa ne hydraulically, iine 6 seti yenzira dzinotsigira uye 6 seti yemasilinda esimbi ane dhayamita ye φ50 uye sitiroko ye300mm. Kuti uve nechokwadi chekuwiriranisa, 6 seti yehydraulic cylinders ine hydraulic motors. Maseti maviri emasilinda emafuta ekushandura ane bore ye φ80 uye sitiroko ye750mm. Kuturikira panzvimbo, pakati chaipo pemaroller maviri. Imwe neimwe seti yeaviri roller inotsigira michina ine 4 mavhiri seti, uye maviri 11# njanji akareruka anotsigirwa pasi pemavhiri seti, ayo ari echokwadi, anochengetedza basa, anoshanda uye akavimbika.

3. Kaviri tsigiro tsvimbo yekufambisa hurongwa

The double support rod transmission device, by adjusting the angle of the double support rod, can not only realize the speed of the steel pipe rotation but also ensure the forward speed. The double support rod transmission device adopts a reducer and a frequency converter to ensure the forward speed requirements of steel pipes of different diameters. There are 38 groups of double support bars, 12 groups at the feed end, 14 groups at the middle section, and 12 groups at the discharge end. The distance between the supporting rollers is 1200mm, the center distance between the two wheels is 460mm, and the roller diameter is 450mm. It takes into account the φ133~φ325 heating steel pipe. One group of rollers is the power wheel and the other group is the supporting driven wheel. Considering that the heating furnace has a certain installation Position and power wheels are designed with a set of 1:1 sprocket chain transmission device, the purpose of which is to move the center distance of the transmission connection by 350mm. All heating and discharging areas are equipped with water cooling device on the supporting roller rotation axis, and the supporting roller adopts bearings. In order to ensure the uniform and balanced transmission speed of the workpiece before and after, 38 frequency conversion motors are used for the power. The speed of the motor is controlled by the frequency converter. The supporting roller speed range: 10~35 rpm, forward speed 650~2500mm/min, frequency converter speed adjustment range: 15~60Hz. The supporting roller is placed at an angle of 5° with the center. The maximum angle can be adjusted to 11°, and the minimum can be adjusted to 2°. The angle of the supporting roller is adjusted by the electric motor to drive the turbine worm to be adjusted separately in three areas.

Iyo yakakosha kaviri tsigiro tsvimbo yekufambisa mudziyo inoiswa pane 0.5% yakarerekera tafura kubva kumagumo ekudya kusvika kumagumo ekuburitsa, kuitira kuti mvura yakasara mupombi yesimbi mushure mekudzima inogona kuburitswa zvakanaka.

Nekudzora kukurumidza kweiyo yekudyisa roller, iyo inopisa zone inotsigira roller, uye discharge inotsigira roller, mapaipi esimbi akabatana kune mumwe nemumwe uye anopinda nekubuda chikamu chimwe nechimwe chevira rekupisa. Mapombi esimbi akabatana kumagumo anoparadzaniswa otomatiki asati aiswa pamubhedha wekutonhodza.

4. Kupisa choto kutonhora system

Iyo FL-1500BP mhepo-mvura inotonhorera yeWuxi Ark inoshandiswa kutonhodza muviri wechoto. Iyo FL-500 yemhepo inotonhorera yemvura inotonhorera inotonhodza iyo ichangobva kuwedzerwa 1500Kw (mbiri 750Kw) masosi emagetsi (pombi yemvura inotonhorera inogadzirwa nesimbi isina tsvina):

FL-1500BP mhando yemhepo inotonhorera yemvura inotonhorera (inotonhora yevira muviri) paramita:

Kutonhodza simba: 451500kcal / h; kushanda kudzvinyirira: 0.35Mpa

Kushanda kuyerera: 50m3 / h; pombi yekupinda nekubuda nayo dhayamita: DN125

Rated simba re fan: 4.4Kw; rated simba repombi yemvura: 15Kw

FL-500 mhepo inotonhorera yemvura inotonhorera (inotonhorera magetsi) paramita:

Kutonhodza simba: 151500kcal / h; kushanda kudzvinyirira: 0.25Mpa

Kushanda kuyerera: 20m3 / h; pombi yekupinda nekubuda nayo dhayamita: DN80

Rated simba re fan: 1.5Kw; rated simba repombi yemvura: 4.0Kw

5. Kudzima mvura yekutonhora system

Shandisa iyo FL-3000BPT mhepo-mvura inotonhorera yeWuxi Ark kutonhodza muviri wechoto:

FL-3000BPT mhando yemhepo inotonhorera yemvura inotonhorera (inotonhora yevira muviri) paramita:

Kutonhodza simba: 903000kcal / h; kushanda kudzvinyirira: 0.5Mpa

Kushanda kuyerera: 200m3 / h; pombi yekupinda nekubuda nayo dhayamita: DN150

Rated simba re fan: 9.0Kw; rated simba pombi yemvura: 30Kw×2

6. Kubvisa uye nzira yekushandura

The discharging lift and translation mechanism adopts the lever type to keep the hydraulic cylinder away from the hot zone. In order to ensure the straightness of the heating steel pipe, the discharging lifting and translation device is equipped with 11 groups of supporting mechanisms, which are combined into one body. 11 groups of supporting mechanisms can hold up and put down the material at the same time, ensuring the synchronization of the heating of the steel pipe. Two sets of metallurgical cylinders φ160×360 are used for lifting, and two sets of φ80×1200 are used for translation cylinders. The stroke control is equipped with a proximity switch and can be adjusted. The hydraulic cylinder is equipped with a heat-insulating protective plate.

7. Mubhedha wekutonhodza miviri

Mubhedha wekutonhodza unotora maviri seti ye sprocket chain transmission mechanism, imwe ndeyekukweva nekudhonza mudziyo, uye imwe yacho inodhonza uye inotenderedza mudziyo.

Iyo ketani yekukweva inotenderedza mudziyo, kureba kwendege kwecheni kwakakwira zvishoma kupfuura kureba kwendege yeketani yedhishi yekudhonza, uye cheni yekukwevera cheni inotenderera nepombi yesimbi kuti itenderere nekumhanya kwakafanana. Kuti kudzivirira deformation kunokonzerwa nesimbi pombi kumira pane imwe nzvimbo uye kwete kutenderera. Iyo mota simba i15Kw, uye tembiricha mushure memubhedha wekutonhodza iri ≤150℃.

Cheni yekudhonza nekudhonza mudziyo unotora maketani akazvigadzira ega. Cheni yega yega yekutakura inoshongedzerwa ne20 seti yema scraper positioning racks. The movement mode inzira yekukwevera nhanho-nhanho. Inotora ratchet mechanism. Nzvimbo yepakati pakati pecheni necheni ndeye 1200mm. Kune 11 seti pamwe chete. Root, iyo yekudhonza zipper mudziyo haitakure huremu hwepombi yesimbi.

Nekuda kwekubatana kwenguva refu nepombi yesimbi inopisa, cheni yekutyaira inoburitsa kupisa, izvo zvinokonzeresa zvisingadiwe kune ketani kwenguva yakareba. Kuti abvise njodzi yakavanzika iyi, dziva rakavakwa pakati pekukwevera uye kutenderera mudziyo, kuitira kuti ketani yekukwevera uye kutenderera mudziyo ivakwa. Kutonhorera paunenge uchifamba.

8. Kuunganidza chikuva

Bhenji rakashongedzwa nesimbi yechikamu. Bhenji rakasungwa ne 16mm gobvu simbi ndiro uye 20 inopisa-yakakungurutswa I-beam. Iyo hupamhi hwebhenji ndeye 200mm. Bhenji rine 2.4 ° inclination. Inogona kubata 7 φ325 simbi mapaipi. Bhenji uye mbiru zvakabatanidzwa nemabhaudhi. Nharaunda pakati pechigadziko ndeye 1200mm, uye iyo yekupedzisira yekumira yakashongedzerwa nesimbi chubhu yekumisa ruoko.

An infrared thermometer inoiswa pamagumo epuratifomu yekuunganidza kuyera kutonhora mushure memubhedha wekutonhora pasi pepombi yesimbi, uye kutumira kukosha kwepamusoro kwe data yakayerwa kumakombiyuta epamusoro.

9. Kupisa choto chekugadzirisa bracket

Kugadziriswa kwemagetsi, kusimudza uye kudzikisa kwechivharo chegwara. Maseti maviri e spiral elevators anofambiswa negiya rekudzimura kuti agadzirise kureba, uye kusimudza kwakagadzikana uye kwakavimbika.

10. Kuvhara nzira

Mushure mekunge pombi yesimbi yadzimwa, yakajairika, uye yakadzikama, kana yasvika kumagumo nekukurumidza, inovharwa nevhavha nzira pano. Kana switch yepedyo yagamuchira chiratidzo, iyo yekusimudza nekuburitsa uye nzira yekushandura inoshanda, uye cheni inodhonza mudziyo unotenderera kuti umire kushanda. Kana iyo yekusimudza uye yekushandura nzira inotumira zvinhu kumubhedha wekutonhora uye woiisa pasi zvishoma nezvishoma, cheni inokwevera mota yechigadzirwa chinotenderera kuti itangezve.

11. Hydraulic station

Kumanikidza kushanda ndeye 16Mpa uye vhoriyamu i500ml.

Main configuration: yakapetwa kaviri yemagetsi pombi yepombi, magetsi ekudzora vharafu, kudzvanya kwevharuvhu, kuratidzwa kwemazinga emafuta, tembiricha yemafuta, gauji yemafuta, redhiyeta yemvura, etc. Mapombi ehydraulic ese mapaipi esimbi isina simbi, uye tangi remafuta rehydraulic akakandwa nemarata esimbi.

11. Kudzima mvura yekupfapfaidza system

Gamuchira maviri-pole mhepo-mvura mhute yekupfapfaidza system, maviri-pole mvura yekupfapfaidza system, uye imwe-nhanho pneumatic yekupfapfaidza yekuomesa sisitimu kuti iite yakakosha yekupfapfaidza system. Kugadziriswa kwese kunoitwa otomatiki kuburikidza neindasitiri komputa uye yemagetsi proportional control valve.

12. Kudzima hurongwa hwekuunganidza mvura

Shandisa iyo online yekuunganidza tangi kupedzisa inowirirana inodzima mvura yekuunganidza dziva. Sefa yekuunganidza mambure inoiswa mutangi rekuunganidza kufambisa kucheneswa kwetsvina.

13. Anti-yakanamatira pombi system system

Chishandiso chekuyeresa chekumhanya chinowedzerwa pakati pematanda maviri anotsigira pakupera kwekudya kuti aone kana chubhu yanamira (chubhu haifambi), uye chiratidzo chealarm chinoburitswa kana chubhu yanamira. Chishandiso ichi uye chiratidziro chekuchinja kwekudya chiratidzo chimwe chete.

Voltage kudzikamisa system

The method of detecting the grid voltage is adopted. When the grid voltage changes, the output power of the intermediate frequency power supply is automatically adjusted to ensure the stability of the heating temperature. In addition, when the grid voltage changes by ±10%, the intermediate frequency voltage changes only Is 1%.