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Komposisi jeung fungsi tina pipa baja quenching na tempering garis produksi

Komposisi jeung fungsi tina pipa baja quenching na tempering garis produksi

1. Loading platform

Platform loading nyaéta tumpukan pipa baja pikeun dipanaskeun. platform ieu dilas ku 16mm plat baja kandel jeung 20 panas-digulung I-beam. Lebar platformna nyaéta 200mm, sareng platformna ngagaduhan kacenderungan 2.4 °. Éta tiasa nahan 8 pipa baja φ325, platform sareng kolom. Ieu disambungkeun ku bolts. Nalika digawé, bango tiasa kerekan sadayana kebat kana platform, sareng alat kebat bulk nyayogikeun bahan. Alat kebat bulk disetir ku silinder hawa. Saatos kebat dilonggarkeun, pipa baja anu dipanaskeun bakal otomatis gulung ka platform hiji-hiji sareng misahkeunana. Dina posisi bahan, mékanisme separation bakal ngirim kaluar jeung gulung bahan nepi ka ahir platform loading dina kadali ngéléhkeun. Tungtungna dilengkepan korsi positioning blocking pikeun meungpeuk bahan jeung posisi eta dina alur V ngawangun.

2. Feeding translation mechanism

Mékanisme tarjamahan feed didorong sacara hidrolik, kalayan 6 sét mékanisme pendukung sareng 6 sét silinder metalurgi kalayan diaméter φ50 sareng stroke 300mm. Pikeun mastikeun sinkronisasi, 6 sét silinder hidrolik dilengkepan motor hidrolik. Dua sét silinder oli translasi gaduh bore φ80 sareng stroke 750mm. Tarjamahan kana tempat, persis di tengah rollers ganda. Unggal susunan mékanisme ngarojong roller ganda ieu dilengkepan 4 susunan roda, sarta dua 11 # rel lampu dirojong handapeun susunan kabayang, nu akurat, hemat kuli, praktis tur dipercaya.

3. Double support rod transmission system

The double support rod transmission device, by adjusting the angle of the double support rod, can not only realize the speed of the steel pipe rotation but also ensure the forward speed. The double support rod transmission device adopts a reducer and a frequency converter to ensure the forward speed requirements of steel pipes of different diameters. There are 38 groups of double support bars, 12 groups at the feed end, 14 groups at the middle section, and 12 groups at the discharge end. The distance between the supporting rollers is 1200mm, the center distance between the two wheels is 460mm, and the roller diameter is 450mm. It takes into account the φ133~φ325 heating steel pipe. One group of rollers is the power wheel and the other group is the supporting driven wheel. Considering that the heating furnace has a certain installation Position and power wheels are designed with a set of 1:1 sprocket chain transmission device, the purpose of which is to move the center distance of the transmission connection by 350mm. All heating and discharging areas are equipped with water cooling device on the supporting roller rotation axis, and the supporting roller adopts bearings. In order to ensure the uniform and balanced transmission speed of the workpiece before and after, 38 frequency conversion motors are used for the power. The speed of the motor is controlled by the frequency converter. The supporting roller speed range: 10~35 rpm, forward speed 650~2500mm/min, frequency converter speed adjustment range: 15~60Hz. The supporting roller is placed at an angle of 5° with the center. The maximum angle can be adjusted to 11°, and the minimum can be adjusted to 2°. The angle of the supporting roller is adjusted by the electric motor to drive the turbine worm to be adjusted separately in three areas.

Alat transmisi rod rojongan ganda integral dipasang dina tabel condong 0.5% ti tungtung dahar ka tungtung discharging, ku kituna cai sésana dina pipa baja sanggeus quenching bisa mulus discharged.

By controlling the speed of the feeding roller, the heating zone support roller, and the discharge support roller, the steel pipes are connected to each other and enter and exit each section of the heating furnace. The steel pipes that are connected end to end are automatically separated before being put on the cooling bed.

4. Sistim cooling tungku pemanasan

The FL-1500BP wind-water cooler of Wuxi Ark is used to cool the furnace body. The FL-500 wind water cooler separately cools the newly added 1500Kw (two 750Kw) power sources (the cooling water pipe is made of stainless steel):

FL-1500BP tipe cooler cai angin (cooling awak tungku) parameter:

Kapasitas cooling: 451500kcal / h; tekanan gawé: 0.35Mpa

Working flow: 50m3/h; inlet and outlet pipe diameter: DN125

Rated power of fan: 4.4Kw; rated power of water pump: 15Kw

FL-500 angin cai cooler (cooling kakuatan suplai) parameter:

Kapasitas cooling: 151500kcal / h; tekanan gawé: 0.25Mpa

Working flow: 20m3/h; inlet and outlet pipe diameter: DN80

Rated power of fan: 1.5Kw; rated power of water pump: 4.0Kw

5. Sistim cooling cair quenching

Use the FL-3000BPT wind-water cooler of Wuxi Ark to cool the furnace body:

FL-3000BPT type wind water cooler (cooling furnace body) parameters:

Kapasitas cooling: 903000kcal / h; tekanan gawé: 0.5Mpa

Working flow: 200m3/h; inlet and outlet pipe diameter: DN150

Rated power of fan: 9.0Kw; rated power of water pump: 30Kw×2

6. Discharge ngangkat sarta mékanisme tarjamah

The discharging lift and translation mechanism adopts the lever type to keep the hydraulic cylinder away from the hot zone. In order to ensure the straightness of the heating steel pipe, the discharging lifting and translation device is equipped with 11 groups of supporting mechanisms, which are combined into one body. 11 groups of supporting mechanisms can hold up and put down the material at the same time, ensuring the synchronization of the heating of the steel pipe. Two sets of metallurgical cylinders φ160×360 are used for lifting, and two sets of φ80×1200 are used for translation cylinders. The stroke control is equipped with a proximity switch and can be adjusted. The hydraulic cylinder is equipped with a heat-insulating protective plate.

7. Dua arah ranjang cooling

Ranjang cooling ngadopsi dua sét mékanisme transmisi ranté sprocket, hiji nyaéta alat nyered sareng narik, sareng anu sanésna mangrupikeun alat anu nyered sareng puteran.

Alat rotasi ranté sered, jangkungna pesawat sakabéh ranté rada leuwih luhur ti jangkungna pesawat ranté tina alat tarik sered, sarta alat rotasi sered ranté ngalir jeung pipe baja pikeun muterkeun dina speed seragam. Ku kituna pikeun nyegah deformasi disababkeun ku pipe baja stopping dina titik nu tangtu jeung teu puteran. Daya motor nyaéta 15Kw, sareng suhu saatos ranjang cooling nyaéta ≤150 ℃.

The chain of the drag and pull device adopts self-made chains. Each conveyor chain is equipped with 20 sets of scraper positioning racks. The movement mode is a step-by-step dragging method. It adopts a ratchet mechanism. The center distance between the chain and the chain is 1200mm. There are 11 sets in total. Root, the drag zipper device does not carry the weight of the steel pipe.

Due to the long-term contact with the heated steel pipe, the drive chain will generate heat, which will cause undesirable factors to the chain for a long time. In order to eliminate this hidden danger, a pool was built in the center of the dragging and rotating device, so that the chain of the dragging and rotating device was built. Cool while moving.

8. Collecting platform

Bangku dilas ku bagian baja. Bangku dilas ku 16mm pelat baja kandel sarta 20 panas-digulung I-beam. Lebar bangku nyaéta 200mm. Bangku ngagaduhan kacenderungan 2.4 °. Bisa nahan 7 φ325 pipa baja. Bangku jeung kolom disambungkeun ku bolts. Jarak antara stand nyaeta 1200mm, sarta tungtung stand ieu dilengkepan panangan eureun wates tube baja.

Hiji thermometer infra red dipasang dina tungtung platform ngumpulkeun pikeun ngukur suhu sanggeus ranjang cooling handapeun pipa baja, sarta ngirimkeun nilai maksimum data diukur ka komputer luhur.

9. Pemanasan tungku adjustment bracket

adjustment listrik, ngangkat jeung nurunkeun panutup kolom pituduh. Dua sét elevators spiral didorong ku reducer gear pikeun nyaluyukeun jangkungna, sareng angkatna stabil sareng dipercaya.

10. Mékanisme blocking

Saatos pipa baja quenched, dinormalisasi, sarta tempered, nalika eta ngahontal tungtung gancang, éta diblokir ku mékanisme blocking dieu. Nalika saklar jarakna nampi sinyal, mékanisme angkat sareng tarjamahan tiasa dianggo, sareng ranté nyeret alat anu puteran pikeun ngeureunkeun damel. Nalika mékanisme angkat sareng tarjamahan ngirimkeun bahan kana ranjang cooling teras nahan ka handap ajeg, ranté nyeret motor alat puteran pikeun ngamimitian deui.

11. Stasion hidrolik

The working pressure is 16Mpa and the volume is 500ml.

Main configuration: double electric double pump, electric control valve, pressure regulating valve, oil level display, oil temperature gauge, oil pressure gauge, oil-water radiator, etc. The hydraulic pipes are all stainless steel pipes, and the hydraulic oil tank is welded by stainless steel steel plates.

11. Sistim semprot cair quenching

Ngadopsi dua-kutub hawa-cai sistem semprot halimun, dua-kutub Sistim semprot cai, sarta hiji-tahap pneumatic semprot Sistim drying pikeun ngabentuk hiji sistem semprot integral. Sadaya panyesuaian dilakukeun sacara otomatis ngaliwatan komputer industri sareng klep kontrol proporsional listrik.

12. Sistim kempelan cairan quenching

Anggo tank kempelan online pikeun ngalengkepan kolam renang kempelan cairan quenching anu cocog. Jaring koléksi saringan dipasang dina tangki kempelan pikeun ngagampangkeun ngabersihkeun najis.

13. Sistim Sistim pipe anti nyangkut

A speed measuring device is added between the two supporting rods at the feeding end to detect whether the tube is stuck (the tube does not move), and an alarm signal is issued once the tube is stuck. This device and the feed detection switch signal are the same signal.

Sistim stabilisasi tegangan

The method of detecting the grid voltage is adopted. When the grid voltage changes, the output power of the intermediate frequency power supply is automatically adjusted to ensure the stability of the heating temperature. In addition, when the grid voltage changes by ±10%, the intermediate frequency voltage changes only Is 1%.