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Ringkesan Inspeksi sareng Perbaikan Tungku Lebur Induksi Pikeun Ngahindarkeun Kacilakaan Utama

Kasimpulan Inspection sarta Perbaikan tina Induksi tungku lééh to Avoid Major Accidents

Pangropéa sarta perbaikan item Pangropéa sarta perbaikan eusi Waktos pangropéa sareng frékuénsi nyarios






Naha lapisan tungku aya retakan

Check for cracks in the crucible Before the furnace starts every time If the crack width is less than 22 mm , it is not necessary to repair it when chips and other things will not be embedded in the crack, and it can still be used. Otherwise, it needs to be patched before it can be used
Repair of taphole Observe whether there are cracks at the junction of the side avoiding furnace lining and the tap hole Dina waktu ngetok If cracks appear, repair them
Perbaikan lapisan tungku di handap tungku sareng garis slag Titénan sacara visual naha lapisan tungku di handapeun tungku sareng garis slag dikorosi sacara lokal Saatos tuang If there is obvious corrosion, it needs to be repaired









Pamariksaan visual

(1 ) Whether the insulation part of the coil is bruised or carbonized

(2) Naha aya sanyawa asing anu napel dina permukaan coil?

(3) Naha insulating Nyieun plat antara coils protrudes

(4) Whether the assembly bolts of the tightening coil are loose

1 waktos / dinten

1 waktos / dinten

1 waktos / dinten

1 waktos / 3 bulan

Purge ku hawa dikomprés di bengkel



Kenceng baudna

Coil compression screw Pariksa visually naha screw komprési coil geus leupas 1 waktos / minggu  
tabung karét (1) Whether there is water leakage at the rubber tube interface

(2) Pariksa naha tabung karét dipotong

1 waktos / dinten

1 waktos / minggu


Coil anti-corrosion joint

Remove the rubber hose and check the corrosion degree of the anti-corrosion joint at the coil end 1 waktos / 6 bulan When this anti-corrosion joint corrodes more than 1/2 , it needs to be replaced with a new one. Usually changed every two years
Cooling water temperature at coil outlet Under the conditions of rated molten iron volume and rated power, record the maximum and minimum values ​​of the cooling water temperature of each branch of the coil 1 waktos / dinten  
Nyabut lebu Hawa anu dikomprés dina bengkel niupkeun lebu sareng cipratan beusi molten dina permukaan coil. 1 waktos / dinten  
Asinan Pickling of sensor water pipes 1 waktos / 2 taun  


awewe atawa lalaki

mere beja




Kabel cai-tiis

(1 ) Whether there is electricity leakage

(2 ) Check whether the cable is in contact with the furnace pit

(3 ) Record the temperature of the cable outlet water under the rated power

(4) Ukuran preventif dilaksanakeun pikeun nyegah kacilakaan

(5 ) Check whether the connecting bolts at the terminals are discolored

1 waktos / dinten

1 waktos / dinten

1 waktos / dinten

1 waktos / 3 taun

1 waktos / dinten

Numutkeun jumlah tilts, nangtukeun umur kabel cai-tiis tilu taun, sarta kudu diganti sanggeus tilu taun. Lamun baud robah warna ka warna, tighten deui eta
Pangropéa sarta perbaikan item Pangropéa sarta perbaikan eusi Waktos pangropéa sareng frékuénsi nyarios








Dry cable

(1) Eliminate dust on the insulating bakelite busbar splint

(2 ) Check whether the chain hanging the busbar splint is broken

(3 ) Whether the copper foil of the bus bar is disconnected

1 waktos / dinten


1 waktos / minggu

1 waktos / minggu

When the area of ​​the disconnected copper foil accounts for 10% of the conductive area of the bus, it needs to be replaced with a new bus
Refractory castable Visually inspect the thickness of the refractory pouring layer of the furnace cover lining 1 waktos / dinten When the thickness of the refractory castable remains 1/2 , the furnace cover lining must be rebuilt

Panutup tungku tekanan minyak


(1 ) Whether there is leakage in the sealing part

(2) Pipa bocor

(3 ) Leakage of high pressure pipe

1 waktos / dinten

1 waktos / dinten

1 waktos / dinten

If yes, repair it


High pressure pipe (1) Naha aya ngambah kaduruk beusi molten dina pipa tekanan tinggi, jsb.

( 2 ) To ensure safety, exchange

1 waktos / minggu

1 waktos / 2 taun


Tambahkeun minyak lubricating

(1 ) Manual type: Furnace cover fulcrum part

(2) Tipe listrik: sprocket drive bearing pikeun ranté adjustment aci pikeun kabayang panutup tungku

(3) tipe hidrolik: pituduh bearing








Lower bearing and high pressure pipe of oil cylinder (1) Naha aya tapak tatu beusi molten dina bagian bantalan sareng pipa tekanan tinggi

(2 ) Oil leakage

1 waktos / minggu


1 waktos / bulan



Remove the cover for inspection



(1 ) Whether there is leakage in the sealing part

(2) Abnormal sound

1 waktos / dinten

1 waktos / dinten

When tilting the furnace, observe the cylinder block

When making sounds such as knocking on the cylinder, the bearings are mostly out of oil


Tilting furnace limit switch

(1) Action check

Press the limit switch by hand, the oil pump motor should stop running

(2 ) Whether there is molten iron splashing on the limit switch

1 waktos / minggu


1 waktos / minggu

Tambahkeun minyak lubricating Kabéh palabuhan suluh 1 waktos / minggu  
High pressure control



Appearance inspection inside the cabinet

(1) Pariksa operasi unggal bohlam lampu indikator

(2 ) Whether the parts are damaged or burned out

(3 ) Clean the pan with compressed air in the workshop

1 waktos / bulan

1 waktos / minggu

1 waktos / minggu


Saklar vakum circuit breaker

(1) Pas beberesih mangrupakeun kontak

The vacuum tube is milky white and fuzzy, the vacuum degree is reduced

(2 ) Measuring electrode consumption

1 waktos / 6 bulan



1 waktos / bulan



If the gap exceeds 6 mm, replace the vacuum tube

Kabinet switch utama  




Electromagnetic air switch

(1 ) Roughness and wear of the main contact




(2) Hayu


(3 ) Whether the fire extinguishing board is carbonized

1 waktos / 6 bulan




1 waktos / 6 bulan


1 waktos / 6 bulan

When the roughness is severe, grind it with a file, sand skin, etc.

When the contact wear exceeds 2/3 , replace the contact

Add spindle oil to each bearing and connecting rod

Use sanding to remove the carbonized part


Pangropéa sarta perbaikan item Pangropéa sarta perbaikan eusi Waktos pangropéa sareng frékuénsi nyarios
Kabinet switch utama   (4) Lebu panyabutan 1 waktos / minggu Ngabersihan ku hawa dikomprés di bengkel, sareng usap lebu dina insulator nganggo lawon
lalawanan insulasi Use a 1000 volt megger to measure the main circuit and greater than 10M Ω    
Converter switch  

Mindahkeun saklar

(1) Ukur résistansi insulasi

(2 ) Rough switch main connector

(3) The circuit utama nyambungkeun bolts leupas sarta overheated

1 waktos / 6 bulan

1 waktos / bulan

1 waktos / 3 bulan

Between the conductor and the ground, use a 1000 volt megohmmeter to measure greater than

1M Ω

Polish or exchange








Appearance inspection inside the cabinet (1) Naha komponénna ruksak atanapi kaduruk

(2 ) Whether the components are loose or fall off

1 waktos / minggu

1 waktos / minggu


Tés tindakan

(1 ) Check whether the indicator light can be on

(2 ) Alarm circuit

Peta kudu dipariksa nurutkeun kaayaan alarm

1 waktos / minggu

1 waktos / minggu

Lebu panyabutan dina lomari Beresih ku hawa dikomprés di bengkel 1 waktos / minggu  

Contactor for auxiliary machine

(1) Check the roughness of the contact, if the roughness is severe, polish it smoothly with fine sand

(2) Exchange contacts

Replace the contacts when they are badly worn

1 waktos / 3 bulan


1 waktos / 2 taun

Utamana kontaktor anu sering dianggo pikeun ngadengdekkeun tutup tungku
Transformer reactor Pariksa penampilan (1 ) Whether there is oil leakage

(2 ) Whether the insulating oil is added to the specified position

1 waktos / minggu

1 waktos / minggu

Transformator jeung suhu reaktor Check the daily thermometer indication, which is lower than the specified value 1 waktos / minggu  
Sora jeung geter (1) Biasana mariksa ku cara ngadéngékeun jeung ngarampa

(2 ) Instrument measurement

1 waktos / minggu

1 time / year

Minyak insulasi tahan uji tegangan Kudu minuhan nilai dieusian 1 waktos / 6 bulan  
Tap changer (1) Pariksa naha changeover ketok geus offset

(2 ) Check the roughness of the tap adapter

1 waktos / 6 bulan

1 waktos / 6 bulan

Anggo keusik halus pikeun ngagosok sareng ganti ku anu énggal nalika kasar pisan
Capacitor bank Pariksa penampilan (1 ) Whether there is oil leakage

(2 ) Whether each terminal screw is loose

1 waktos / dinten

1 waktos / minggu

If slack occurs , the terminal part will be discolored due to overheating
Exchange capacitor contactor



Nyabut lebu

(1) Kakasaran kontak

1 ) Use a file to smooth the rough part

2 ) When the wear is severe, replace the joint

(2 ) The contact temperature rises

Use compressed air in the workshop to clean the insulators with a cloth

1 waktos / 6 bulan



1 waktos / minggu

1 waktos / minggu



At least 1 time / month

Suhu sabudeureun bank kapasitor Ukur nganggo térmométer raksa 1 waktos / dinten Ventilated , so that the surrounding temperature does not exceed 40 deg.] C
Hydraulic device  


minyak hidrolik

(1 ) Whether there is any change in the color of the oil at the height of the oil level displayed by the oil level gauge

(2) Pariksa jumlah lebu dina minyak hidrolik jeung kualitas minyak

(3) Measuring temperature

1 waktos / minggu


1 waktos / 6 bulan


1 waktos / 6 bulan

Upami tingkat oli turun, aya bocor dina sirkuit

Nalika kualitasna goréng, ganti oli

gauge tekanan Naha tekanan ngadengdekkeun béda ti biasa, nalika tekanan turun, saluyukeun tekanan kana nilai normal 1 waktos / minggu