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Yakatenderera simbi kudzima uye tempering tira

Yakatenderera simbi kudzima uye tempering tira

The round steel quenching and tempering furnace mainly uses induction heating modulated by round steel, bar stock, wire, and steel rod to realize the quenching and tempering function.

1. Main technical indicators of round steel quenching and tempering furnace production line

1. Quenched and tempered material: 30MnSi

2. Round simbi uye waya maratidziro: -7.1-Φ12.6mm

3.Kudzima tembiricha: 930-960, Tempering tembiricha: 400-460 ℃

4. Kupisa kwesimba kwesimba kwese kutenderera kwesimbi uye kupisa tiraira: inenge 370 degrees / tani

5.Kushandisa modhi yekutenderera simbi kudzima uye kupisa tiraira: kuenderera kushanda system

6. Center kukwirira kwetenderedzwa simbi kudzima uye tempering chira yekugadzira mutsara: 1000mm

7. Feeding direction of round steel quenching and tempering furnace production line: left (right) feed

8. Simba rekugovana zvido pamativi esimbi kudzimisa uye kudziya moto mavira: huwandu hwese hwakaisirwa tambo yega yega: 1250KVA makore

9. Round steel quenching and tempering furnace output: 60,000 tons/year, consisting of 4 lines.

10.Iyo yepamusoro soro yekumhanyisa tambo yeiyo kutenderera simbi kudzima uye tempering yevira yekugadzira tambo:

Φ7.1mm ———— 100m / min

Φ9.0mm ———— 90m / min

Φ10.7mm ——-– 60m / min

Φ12.6mm ——-– 40m / min

12. Cooling water requirements for round steel quenching and tempering furnace production line (single line):

a. Chigadzirwa chinotenderera kutonhora kwemvura

Kuyerera: 100m3 / h Kumanikidza: 0.4MPa

Water temperature: not higher than 33℃

Water quality: Urban water supply water quality standard CJ/T206-2005 (Ministry of Construction)

b. Kutonhora mvura ye induction kudziya choto:

Kuyerera: 100m3 / h Kumanikidza: 0.4MPa

Water temperature: not higher than 33℃

Water quality: Urban water supply water quality standard CJ/T206-2005 (Ministry of Construction)

c. Compressed air requirements (single line):

Chipimo chemushonga: 3m3 / min Pressure: 0.6MPa Tembiricha yemvura: haina kukwira kupfuura 33 ℃

Compressed air quality: GB/T13277-91 “Compressed air quality grade for general use”

2. Kugadziriswa kwemidziyo uye tsananguro yekutenderera kwesimbi kudzimisa uye kupisa tempire yekugadzira tambo:

Imwe neimwe yakakomberedza simbi kudzima uye kupisa tiraira PC simbi bhaa inogadzirwa nekudhirowa kugadzira michina, traction yekufambisa michina, ese-akasimba static frequency kutendeuka kupisa magetsi, induction kudziya tiraira, kupomhodza kutonhora mvura tangi, hydraulic kuveura uye kudzoreredza michina, waya kutora-kumusoro zvishandiso, uye AC mota Iyo inoumbwa neshanduko frequency frequency system, PLC yekudzora system, tembiricha kuyera system uye yepakati centralized control unit.

Imwe neimwe yekugadzira tambo michina inonyanya kusanganisira:

1. Mechanical part:

Kubhadhara-off rack set

Cable manejimendi furemu 1

Mechanical derusting muchina 1

Drawing forming machine 1

Yakatwasuka muchina 1 seti

Kuchenesa muchina 1

1#Towing machine 1 set

Quenching water tank 1

Tempering singi 1

2 # Yekudhonza muchina 1 seti

Hydraulic kuveura kudzosera muchina 1 set

Take-up machine 2

2. Kuumbwa kwesimbi yakakomberedzwa uye kupisa moto.

KGPS-500KW/6KHZ medium frequency induction heating power supply 1 set

CYP-200KW / 40KHZ IGBT super odhiyo frequency frequency induction kupisa magetsi magetsi 1 set

CYP-200KW / 50HZ IGBT yakanyanya odhiyo frequency frequency induction kupisa magetsi 1 set

KGPS-250KW/8KHZ KGPS intermediate frequency induction heating power supply 1 set

Imwe seti ye frequency kutendeuka kabati

90KW (waya yekudhirowa muchina wekutyaira) 1 seti

5.5KW (kutyaira kwemuchina wekutora) 1 seti

11KW (inotyairwa netarakita) 2 seti

4KW (kutyaira kwekutora-kumusoro muchina) 2 seti

Operation console and operation box 6 sets

Main koni 1

Tora-up oparesheni bhokisi 2 sets

Jog oparesheni bhokisi (mechina kudonha, tarakita, dhizaini muchina wega) 3 seti

Thermometer (tembiricha yekuyera chiyero 300-1000 ℃) maviri

3. Mechanical equipment composition and technical performance of round steel quenching and tempering furnace

(1) Iyo mbiri-ruoko inotenderera chimiro cheiyo pay-off furemu, yepakati sleeve yakabatana neiyo yakagadzika ikholamu kuburikidza nekutakura, iyo yepakati sleeve inogona kutenderedzwa uye kumiswa zvishoma, uye iyo tambo tsvimbo yekumisa ruoko yakabatana nepakati sleeve nemabhaudhi, ayo anogona kutenderera zvishoma paunenge uchichinja reel, uye woimisa kana uchibhadhara, Zviri nyore kubatanidza waya tambo musoro uye muswe.

(2) Waya manejimendi furemu Iyo waya manejimendi furemu ndeye tapered chimiro, uye chinangwa chayo kushandura waya tambo yerin’i chimiro kune yakasarudzika chimiro kudzivirira tambo dzakakanganiswa.

(3) Mechanical rust remover The mechanical rust remover consists of 2 sets of 90-degree repeated bending rollers. Driven by motor-lifter-lead screw (or pneumatic), the movable bending roller is pushed to extend or retract. Ensure sufficient bending angle between the steel bar and the bending roller to peel off the oxide scale to the maximum. After the oxide skin is peeled off, it falls into the collection tank below for easy cleaning. Fully sealed structure is adopted to prevent dust from escaping in the workshop.

(4) The PC steel rod concave thread forming of the drawing machine adopts the method of matching the drawing speed and the rotation speed of the mold. The mold is well stressed, the mold life is long, and the lead of the steel rod is artificially controlled to ensure the appearance quality of the product. The reducer of the wire drawing machine adopts a medium-hard tooth surface reducer, and there are protective devices at the tank body and the belt. The wire drawing tank is equipped with a shut-down pneumatic pinch roller to prevent the machine from shutting down and disordering the line. The diameter of the reel is 900mm, the maximum drawing speed is 100m/min, the wire drawing machine motor is 90KW, and the rotary die motor is 5.5KW.

(5) Muchina wekusimudza Muchina wekusimudza unongoitika uye unogadzira maviri seti ekukombama rolls achiumba 90 degrees mumwe nemumwe. Pasi pesimba retarakita, inogadzira kusanzwisisika uye kugadzirisa iyo simbi bar.

(6) Muchina wekuwachisa Muchina wekuwachisa unoumbwa ne2 seti yesimbi waya mavhiri, anotyairwa nemota, kubvisa marara pamusoro pesimbi yesimbi. Iyo mota ndeye 0.55KW, uye chinodzora chinoramba chichichinja chinja chinofambisa.

(7) There are two tractors. They are respectively placed in front of the quenching heating furnace, and after the tempering and cooling device, they play the role of full-line dragging. The traction machine is composed of three pairs of traction rollers, the lower roller is active and the upper roller is passive. The lower roller device is on the output of a non-standard transmission box with a single shaft input and three output shafts. The upper roller device is in the chute of the upper sliding frame. Keep to ensure the clamping force of the steel bar and ensure the smooth operation of the steel bar. The two tractors adopt micro-tension control technology, which can adjust the tension at any time according to the process needs and keep it between the two tractors. The micro-tension control technology can be used to adjust the tension and maintain at any time according to the process needs, which is automatic control between the two tractors. Under the formation of constant tension to provide guarantee to meet the needs of product quality. The traction roller is composed of two grooves, and the traction roller is arranged on the optical axis through an expansion sleeve to facilitate the replacement of the traction roller. The motor is 11KW, and the reducer is a planetary cycloid reducer.

(8) Kuchenesa uye kupisa mudziyo unodzima Unodziya uye kupisa mudziyo unogadzirwa neplate isina simbi, nzira yekutonhodza kutonhora kwemvura, uye kumagumo kwenzvimbo ine mweya wekufemera mweya. Iyo inodzima tangi ndeye 6 metres pakureba, uye iyo tempering tangi ndeye 5 mita kureba

(9) Iyo hydraulic inodzosera yekucheka muchina inovimbisa synchronous kucheka uye kudzoreredza zvinoenderana nezvinodiwa zvekukurumidza kucheka kweyekugadzira mutsara, kuona 100% kuveura kudzosera, uye kuona kuenderera kushanda kweyekugadzira mutsara. Iyo hydraulic station mota ndeye 2.2KW.

(10) Mushini wekutora wakagadzirwa zvinoenderana nezvinodiwa nesimbi bhara kubhadhara, uye kutenderera kumhanya kwekutora-reel kunochinja kazhinji nekumhanya kwesimbi simbi, ichiona wiring yenguva dzose. Iyo mota ndeye 4kw, uye iyo yekudzora ihonye giya rinodzora.