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Ukujikeleza isinyithi nokucima umlilo

Ukujikeleza isinyithi nokucima umlilo

The round steel quenching and tempering furnace mainly uses induction heating modulated by round steel, bar stock, wire, and steel rod to realize the quenching and tempering function.

1. Main technical indicators of round steel quenching and tempering furnace production line

1. Quenched and tempered material: 30MnSi

2. Ukujikeleza kwesinyithi kunye neengcingo: Φ7.1-Φ12.6mm

3. Ukucima ubushushu: 930-960, temperature Ubushushu obushushu: 400-460 ℃

4. Ukushushubeza ukusetyenziswa kwamandla kwesinyithi esijikelezayo kunye neziko lobushushu: malunga ne-370 degrees / itoni

5.Ukusebenza kwendlela yentsimbi ejikelezayo yokucima kunye neziko lobushushu: inkqubo yokusebenza eqhubekayo

6. Ukuphakama kweziko lokucinywa kwesinyithi kunye nomgangatho wokuvelisa isithando somlilo: 1000mm

7. Feeding direction of round steel quenching and tempering furnace production line: left (right) feed

8.Imfuno zokuhambisa umbane zokucinywa kwentsimbi kunye nokubaselwa kwitvini: ukufakwa komthamo opheleleyo womgca ngamnye: iminyaka eyi-1250KVA

9. Round steel quenching and tempering furnace output: 60,000 tons/year, consisting of 4 lines.

Isantya esiphezulu somgca wokusebenza kwentsimbi yokucima nokucima umlilo.

Φ7.1mm ———— 100m / min

Φ9.0mm ———— 90m / min

Φ10.7mm ———60m / min

Φ12.6mm ———40m / min

12. Cooling water requirements for round steel quenching and tempering furnace production line (single line):

a. Imveliso ejikeleza amanzi okupholisa

Ukuhamba: 100m3 / h Uxinzelelo: 0.4MPa

Water temperature: not higher than 33℃

Water quality: Urban water supply water quality standard CJ/T206-2005 (Ministry of Construction)

b. Amanzi apholisayo okufudumeza ubushushu eziko:

Ukuhamba: 100m3 / h Uxinzelelo: 0.4MPa

Water temperature: not higher than 33℃

Water quality: Urban water supply water quality standard CJ/T206-2005 (Ministry of Construction)

c. Compressed air requirements (single line):

Isisombululo: 3m3 / min Uxinzelelo: 0.6MPa Ubushushu bamanzi: abukho ngaphezulu kwe-33 ℃

Compressed air quality: GB/T13277-91 “Compressed air quality grade for general use”

2.Ukucwangciswa kwezixhobo kunye nenkcazo yokucinywa kwesinyithi kunye nokufudumeza komgangatho wemveliso yesithando:

Ukucinywa kwesinyithi okujikelezayo kunye nokucoca umlilo kwi-bar yentsimbi ye-PC kuveliswa ngokuzoba izixhobo ezenza izixhobo, izixhobo zokuhambisa izixhobo, zonke izinto eziqinileyo zokuguqula amandla okufudumeza amandla, ukutshisa ubushushu, itanki lamanzi okupholisa, ukucheba ngamanzi kunye nokuguqula izixhobo, ukuthatha ucingo izixhobo, kunye nemoto ye-AC Inenkqubo yolawulo lokuhamba rhoqo, inkqubo yolawulo lwePLC, inkqubo yokulinganisa ubushushu kunye neyunithi yolawulo esembindini.

Isixhobo ngasinye sokwenza imveliso kubandakanya ngokukodwa:

1. Icandelo loMatshini:

I-rack yokuhlawula iseti

Ulawulo lwesakhelo 1

Mechanical derusting umatshini 1

Drawing forming machine 1

Umatshini oqondayo 1 usete

Ukucoca umatshini 1

1#Towing machine 1 set

Quenching water tank 1

Isinki esishushu 1

2 # Umatshini wokutsala usete 1

Umatshini weHydraulic wokuguqula umatshini kuseti 1

Take-up machine 2

2.Ubunjani bokucinywa kwesinyithi kunye neziko lomlilo:

KGPS-500KW/6KHZ medium frequency induction heating power supply 1 set

I-CYP-200KW / 40KHZ IGBT isandi esiphakamileyo sesandi sokuhambisa umbane sombane 1 iseti

I-CYP-200KW / 50HZ IGBT isandi esiphakamileyo sesandi sokuhambisa umbane sombane 1 iseti

I-KGPS-250KW / 8KHZ KGPS iphakathi yokuhambisa umbane ngobushushu 1 iseti

Iseti yekhabhinethi yokuguqula rhoqo

90KW (ucingo umzobo drive drive) 1 iseti

5.5KW (ukuqhuba komatshini wokufaka amanqaku) 1 iseti

11KW (eqhutywa yitrektara) 2 iiseti

I-4KW (ukuqhuba komatshini wokuthatha) iiseti ezi-2

Operation console and operation box 6 sets

Eyona console iphambili 1

Ukuthatha ibhokisi yokusebenza iiseti ezi-2

Ibhokisi yokusebenza kwejog (ukwehla ngomatshini, itrektara, umatshini wokuzoba nganye) iiseti ezi-3

Ithemometha (umlinganiso wobushushu kuluhlu lwama-300-1000 ℃) amabini

3. Mechanical equipment composition and technical performance of round steel quenching and tempering furnace

(1) Ubume obujikelezayo bengalo yesakhelo sokuhlawula, umkhono wombindi uqhagamshelwe kwikholam esisigxina ngokuthwala, umkhono wombindi unokujikeleziswa kwaye ubekwe kancinci, kwaye ingalo yokumiswa kwentambo inxulumene neziko umkhono ngeebholithi, onokujikeleza kancinci xa utshintsha i-reel, kwaye uyimise xa uhlawula, Kulungile ukudibanisa intloko yentonga kunye nomsila.

(2) Isakhelo solawulo lwentambo Isakhelo solawulo lwentambo sisakhiwo esiteyiphu, kwaye injongo yaso kukutshintsha imilo yentsimbi yocingo iyenze imilo ukuthintela iingcingo ezingasebenzi kakuhle.

(3) Mechanical rust remover The mechanical rust remover consists of 2 sets of 90-degree repeated bending rollers. Driven by motor-lifter-lead screw (or pneumatic), the movable bending roller is pushed to extend or retract. Ensure sufficient bending angle between the steel bar and the bending roller to peel off the oxide scale to the maximum. After the oxide skin is peeled off, it falls into the collection tank below for easy cleaning. Fully sealed structure is adopted to prevent dust from escaping in the workshop.

(4) The PC steel rod concave thread forming of the drawing machine adopts the method of matching the drawing speed and the rotation speed of the mold. The mold is well stressed, the mold life is long, and the lead of the steel rod is artificially controlled to ensure the appearance quality of the product. The reducer of the wire drawing machine adopts a medium-hard tooth surface reducer, and there are protective devices at the tank body and the belt. The wire drawing tank is equipped with a shut-down pneumatic pinch roller to prevent the machine from shutting down and disordering the line. The diameter of the reel is 900mm, the maximum drawing speed is 100m/min, the wire drawing machine motor is 90KW, and the rotary die motor is 5.5KW.

(5) Umatshini wokulungisa umatshini wokulungisa awenzi kwaye uqukethe iiseti ezimbini zokugoba kweeroli ezenza iidigri ezingama-90 enye nenye. Ngaphantsi kwamandla etrektara, yenza uxinzelelo ololula kunye nokulungisa ibar yentsimbi.

(6) Umatshini wokuhlamba Umatshini wokuhlamba ubunjwe ngeeseti ezimbini zeevili zensimbi zentsimbi, eziqhutywa yimoto, ukususa inkunkuma kumphezulu wentonga yentsimbi. Imoto yi-2KW, kwaye isinciphisi sisinciphiso sokuhambisa esitshintshayo ngokuqhubekekayo.

(7) There are two tractors. They are respectively placed in front of the quenching heating furnace, and after the tempering and cooling device, they play the role of full-line dragging. The traction machine is composed of three pairs of traction rollers, the lower roller is active and the upper roller is passive. The lower roller device is on the output of a non-standard transmission box with a single shaft input and three output shafts. The upper roller device is in the chute of the upper sliding frame. Keep to ensure the clamping force of the steel bar and ensure the smooth operation of the steel bar. The two tractors adopt micro-tension control technology, which can adjust the tension at any time according to the process needs and keep it between the two tractors. The micro-tension control technology can be used to adjust the tension and maintain at any time according to the process needs, which is automatic control between the two tractors. Under the formation of constant tension to provide guarantee to meet the needs of product quality. The traction roller is composed of two grooves, and the traction roller is arranged on the optical axis through an expansion sleeve to facilitate the replacement of the traction roller. The motor is 11KW, and the reducer is a planetary cycloid reducer.

(8) Ukucima kunye nokucoca isixhobo sokupholisa Isixhobo sokucima kunye nokucoca isixhobo senziwe ngeplanga yentsimbi engenasici, indlela yokupholisa kukupholisa amanzi, kwaye isiphelo sayo sixhotyiswe ngesixhobo somoya. Itanki yokucima iimitha ezi-6 ubude, kwaye itanki yokubila ineemitha ezi-5 ubude

(9) Umatshini wokuguqula ukucheba ngesanti kubunzulu baphantsi uqinisekisa ukusika kunye nokuguqula ngokungqinelana neemfuno zokusika okukhawulezileyo komgca wemveliso, uqinisekisa ukubuyiselwa umva kwe-100%, kunye nokuqinisekisa ukusebenza okuqhubekayo komgca wemveliso. Isikhululo se-motor hydraulic yi-2.2KW.

(10) Umatshini wokuthwala uyilelwe ngokweemfuno zokuhlawulwa kwebar yentsimbi, kunye nesantya sokujikeleza kweenguqu zokuthwala zotshintsho rhoqo ngesantya sokusebenza kwebar yentsimbi, uqaphela iintambo eziqhelekileyo. Imoto yi-4kw, kwaye isinciphisi sisinciphisi seentshulube.