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Dab tsi yog ntau txoj hauv kev rau crankshaft caj dab induction hardening?

What are the several process methods for crankshaft caj dab induction hardening?

1) The crankshaft does not rotate, use an open-close type inductor to heat the journal to be heated, and perform liquid spray quenching. Later, a semi-automatic crankshaft quenching machine tool was developed to perform large quantities of crankshaft neck quenching. The advantage is low labor intensity, but the disadvantage is that the hardened zone is uneven, such as the width of the hardened layer at the top dead point of the connecting rod journal and the bottom dead point. The area is narrow and so on. This process has been used for more than 60 years, and now some automobile crankshafts and tractor crankshafts are still produced using this process.

2) Crankshaft rotation cua sov, semi-annular inductors yog siv rau loj ntau lawm ntawm semi-automatic los yog tag nrho tsis siv neeg crankshaft quenching tshuab cuab yeej. Qhov kom zoo dua yog tias qhov kub ntawm thaj tsam hardened yog uniform, thiab qhov dav yog zoo ib yam los ntawm lub zog pulsation thiab lwm yam technologies. Qhov zoo dua yog tias nws tuaj yeem sau ntawv. Fillet quenching, txhawm rau txhim kho qhov qaug zog ntawm lub crankshaft, yog tam sim no siv dav siv crankshaft quenching txheej txheem.

3) Lub crankshaft tsis tig, thiab ib nrab-ntiv nplhaib lub ntsiab kauj yog ua ke nrog ib nrab-ntiv nplhaib auxiliary coil kom sov lub crankshaft journal, uas yog hu ua Sharp-c txheej txheem. Qhov zoo dua yog tias lub sij hawm cua sov yog luv luv, lub sij hawm cua sov ntawm ib phau ntawv xov xwm yog hais txog 4s, cov khoom siv cheeb tsam yog me dua li ntawm lub teb quenching ntaus ntawv, thiab inductor muaj lub neej ntev. Txawm li cas los xij, cov txheej txheem no tsis daws qhov crankshaft fillet quenching tshuab.

4) Crankshaft rotation quenching adopts a double half-ring type inductor, which almost covers the crankshaft journal. The advantages of this process are high heating efficiency and short time. Currently, it is only applied to car crankshafts.