- 15
- Nov
Advantages of round bar quenching and tempering production line
Advantages of round bar quenching and tempering production line
Advantages of round bar quenching and tempering production line:
1. Sistemụ ọkụ ọkụ: Ngwunye ọkụ ọkụ: 160-1000KW / 0.5-2.5KHz; Ọkụ ọkụ na-ekpo ọkụ: 100-600KW / 0.5-2.5KHz, mmepụta elekere 0.5-3.5 tọn, oke ọdabara ø20-ø120.
2. Conveying roller table: The axis of the roller table and the axis of the workpiece etolite ihe gụnyere akụkụ nke 18-21 °. The workpiece na-atụgharị n’onwe ya ma na-aga n’ihu na ọsọ ọsọ mgbe niile iji mee ka ikpo ọkụ ahụ dịkwuo n’otu. Tebụlụ rola n’etiti ozu ọkụ bụ nke 304 igwe anaghị agba nchara na mmiri jụrụ oyi.
3. Roller Grouping: A na-achịkwa ndị na-eri nri, ndị na-ahụ maka ihe mmetụta na ndị na-ebugharị n’onwe ha, nke na-eme ka ikpo ọkụ na-aga n’ihu n’emeghị ka ọdịiche dị n’etiti workpieces.
4. Igwe ọkụ mechiri emechi: Ma quenching na tempering na-eji American Leitai infrared temometa wee mepụta usoro njikwa mechiri emechi na Siemens S7 nke Germany iji chịkwaa okpomọkụ nke ọma.
5. Industrial kọmputa usoro: Real-oge ngosi nke ọnọdụ nke na-arụ ọrụ parameters n’oge ahụ, ọrụ nke workpiece paramita ebe nchekwa, nchekwa, obibi, mmejọ ngosi, mkpu na ndị ọzọ ọrụ.
6. Ntugharị ike: quenching + tempering usoro a nakweere, na ike oriri kwa ton bụ 420-480 degrees.
7. According to user needs, we can provide a remote console with touch screen or industrial computer system for round bar heat treatment quenching and tempering production line.
The working process of the mechanical system of the round bar quenching and tempering production line:
The mechanical action of this complete set of round bar quenching and tempering production line is controlled by PLC. It only needs to manually place the bar in the storage rack, and the rest of the actions are automatically completed by the system under the control of PLC. A set of programs can be set according to each product specification of the user. When working, you only need to click on the product specification to be produced on the touch screen. All actions will be automatically completed by the PLC program.
Crane crane → material storage platform → automatic feeding mechanism → feeding roller table → quenching induction heating → infrared temperature measurement → discharge roller table → spray quenching → quenching completion → tempering conveying mechanism → tempering induction heating → infrared Temperature measurement→discharge roller table→cooling mechanism→receiving rack