- 08
- Feb
Kugadzira Tekinoroji uye Kuvandudza uye Kushandiswa kweFiberglass Tube
Kugadzira Tekinoroji uye Kuvandudza uye Kushandiswa kweFiberglass Tube
Kune matatu makuru marudzi e girazi fiber chubhu production processes: reciprocating filament winding process, continuous filament winding process and centrifugal casting process.
Reciprocating filament winding process (yenzira yakatarwa-yakareba): Mukuita uku, tangi yekunyudza inodzokerana neinotenderera mandrel, uye iyo yakareba fiber girazi filaments inoiswa pane imwe oblique angle inoenderana neiyo mandrel axis, uye yekubatsira kona. (kureva. Mhepo inotenderedza) inodzorwa nereshiyo yekumhanya kwetangi yekunyudza kune inotenderera kumhanya kweiyo mandrel, uye kufamba kwekushandura kwetangi yekunyura kunodzorwa nekombuta yemagetsi emagetsi. Nhamba yezvikamu zvekupeta zvishoma nezvishoma inowedzera kusvikira rusvingo rwakagadzirirwa rwakasvika. Mushure mekunge kupeta kwapera, resin iri muchinyorwa inorapwa zvakanyanya. Mushure mekurapa, iyo mandrel inobviswa kubva pafiberglass pombi.
Continuous filament winding process (belonging to continuous method): The process is that the tube passes through a feeding station that supplies resin pre-impregnated roving, chopped glass fiber reinforced plastic fiber and resin sand mixture in motion, and the tube is continuously advancing in the core mold. made in.
Centrifugal casting process (belonging to the fixed-length method): In this process, the cut glass fiber reinforced material and sand are fed into a steel mold fixed on the bearing, and the unsaturated resin with catalyst is injected into one end of the steel mold to make the steel mold. It impregnates the reinforcing material. Under the action of centrifugal force, the resin replaces the air in the fibers and fillers, thereby producing a dense composite material without pores. Due to the action of centrifugal force, the inner wall of the tube forms a smooth and clean resin-rich inner surface layer. Cures at higher temperatures. The pipe made by this method is also called glass fiber reinforced plastic sand pipe.