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Intermediate frequency induction heating copper wire annealing equipment

Intermediate frequency induction heating copper wire annealing equipment


1 , Dulmar:

Intermediate frequency induction heating copper wire (copper tube ) annealing equipment is suitable for on-line annealing of copper wire (brass alloy outer sheath). The penetration depth and hardness are according to the specific requirements of customers to achieve stress removal and softening of the brass alloy. The purpose of the outer sheath.

Equipment introduction The complete set of equipment is designed and manufactured according to the mechatronics structure. Among them, the intermediate frequency power supply is a set of 6- pulse thyristor KGPS200KW/8KHZ intermediate frequency power supply, the load is a set of GTR series induction heating furnace, and the equipment is equipped with a set of reactive power compensation capacitor bank. The device is designed with manual and automatic power adjustment knobs, among which automatic is the temperature closed-loop control mode. The external control console is controlled by PLC (Siemens) and touch screen. The touch screen can easily input heating parameters, such as copper wire specifications, heating speed, annealing temperature, etc. After the parameters are input, the closed loop control system of the intermediate frequency power supply temperature will automatically adjust the output power, thereby Meet production needs. When a certain link in the production fails, the intermediate frequency power supply can be insulated according to the set temperature to avoid overburning the copper wire. The equipment is placed according to user requirements, facing the equipment from left to right, the operating table is placed toward the main equipment, which is conducive to the operator to observe the production situation and facilitate the adjustment of parameters.

Safety protection The equipment has complete safety protection measures, such as water shortage protection, phase lack protection, over current protection, over voltage protection, under voltage protection, high water temperature protection, etc., and there is an audible and visual alarm device for faults. The equipment is configured according to 200KW , leaving enough power margin to ensure continuous and stable production of the equipment for 24 hours. All exposed conductors are installed in the electric control box with a lock, and there are eye-catching safety reminders, so no electrical safety accidents will occur. Each interlocking device can avoid damage to equipment or copper wires due to manual misoperation.

Qaab dhismeedka qalabka Qalabka qalabka oo dhameystiran wuxuu daboolayaa aagga qiyaastii 2000 * 1500mm, oo leh dhererka dhexe ee 1000mm. Korontadu waxay ku dhexjirtaa jirka foornada kuleylka, boolal balaadhinta ayaa loo isticmaalaa si loo hagaajiyo. Qalabka waxaa loogu talagalay konsole dibadeed, kaas oo loo habeyn karo si waafaqsan shuruudaha goobta, kaas oo ku habboon hawlgalka. Ku rakibida qalabku waa mid fudud oo degdeg ah. Isticmaalayaashu waxay u baahan yihiin oo kaliya inay ku xidhaan tuubooyinka biyaha soo gala iyo kuwa ka baxa qalabka (hal nozzle ee meel kasta oo biyo gelin ah iyo bixitaan), oo ay ku xidhaan silig afar-gees ah oo saddex-waji ah ilaa dhammaadka sare ee qalabka.

2 , induction heating annealing apparatus copper

xeelad farsameed

2 teknoolajiyada wax lagu cabbiro

Qalabka shaqada: iyada oo loo marayo siligga dhulka (gudahu waa kooriyaha asaasiga ah ee naxaasta, iyo dibadda si adag ayaa loo daboolay galalka dibadda ee naxaasta ah)

Habka soo afjarida: kulaylinta soogelinta joogtada ah ee khadka tooska ah

Tilmaamaha walxaha: φ 6- φ 13mm, dhumucdiisuna tahay 1mm

2 kululaynta shuruudaha farsamada ugu muhiimsan

Heerkulka hore: 20 ℃;

Heerkulka Annealing: la kontarooli karo oo lagu hagaajin karo inta u dhaxaysa 600 ℃; saxnaanta tijaabada heerkulka lakabka daawaha naxaasta ah waa ± 5 ℃, iyo saxnaanta xakamaynta heerkulka kulaylinta induction waa ± 20 ℃.

Moolka kuleylka: 2mm;

Xawaaraha xariiqda habka: gudaha 30m/min (xawaaraha khadka ugu badan kama sarreeyo 30m/min);

Dhererka xarunta ee khadka wax soo saarka: 1m;

2.3 Xulashada tignoolajiyada ee qalab dhamaystiran

Qalabkan oo dhameystiran waxaa ka mid ah nidaamka xakameynta korontadda inta jeer ee dhexdhexaadka ah, nidaamka cabbiraadda heerkulka fiber-ka fog-infrared, nidaamka xakamaynta heerkulka xirmay, bangiga capacitor magdhow koronto, induction kululaynta jirka foornada, iwm.

Nidaamka xakamaynta korantada inta jeer ee dhexdhexaadka ah:

2.3.1 Korontada soo noqnoqda ee dhexdhexaadka ah waa aaladaha soo noqnoqda ee thyristor, korantada wax gelinta waa 380V, 50Hz, awoodda wax soo saarkuna waa 200KW. Awoodda waxaa lagu hagaajin karaa gacanta ama si toos ah iyadoo loo eegayo heerkulka la dejiyay. Inta jeer ee wax soo saarku waa 8KHz (la socoshada inta jeer ee tooska ah). Midabka golaha wasiirada waxaa lagu go’aamiyaa iyadoo loo eegayo shuruudaha adeegsadaha, cabbirka cabbirku waa 2000 × 1500 × 1300mm, dhererka dhexena waa 1000mm.

2.3.2 Nooca Kartridge oo la isku daray silikon

Dib-u-habeeyaha iyo qaybta beddelka ee thyristor waxay qabataa qaab-dhismeedka qaabaysan ee ugu dambeeyay ee isku-dhafan ee silikon leh codsiga patentka. Habka rakibidani wuxuu ka dhigayaa kala-baxa iyo isku-dhafka thyristor mid ku habboon oo cilmi ah. Markaad bedesho thyristor, kaliya fur furka adkeynaya wuxuu bedeli karaa walxaha thyristor ee golaha. Waxaa intaa dheer, habkan rakibidda ayaa si buuxda u yareynaya mugga qaybta SCR, taas oo aan kordhinaynin oo kaliya booska hawlgalka ee golaha korantada, laakiin sidoo kale si weyn u yareynaya khasaaraha khadka.


Reactor-ka jilicsan ayaa aad muhiim ugu ah sahayda tamarta adag, waxay leedahay laba hawlood. Marka hore, ka dhig hadda wax soo saarka toosiyaha mid siman oo deggan. Marka labaad, marka inverter thyristor uu yahay wareeg gaaban, heerka korriinka wareegga gaaban ee hadda jira iyo xajmiga ugu sarreeya ee wareegga gaaban ayaa xaddidan. Haddii naqshadaynta cabbirka ee reactor shaandhada ay tahay mid aan macquul ahayn, maaddada asaasiga ah ma fiicna ama habka wax soo saarku maaha mid ku filan, waxay saameyn weyn ku yeelan doontaa kalsoonida shaqada ee sahayda tamarta soo noqnoqda ee dhexdhexaadka ah.

2.3.4 Awood-weyn SCR

Si loo hubiyo isku halaynta hawlgalka qalabka, labadaba rectifier iyo inverter thyristors waxay isticmaalaan saldhigga Xiangfan ee awoodda weyn ee KP iyo KK silikon si loo hubiyo hawlgalka xasilloon ee qalabka.

2.3.5 Isticmaal xadhkaha magdhawga ee isdaba jooga ah iyo kuwa is barbar socda si loo yareeyo khasaaraha xadhkaha gudbinta

Si loo yareeyo khasaaraha khadka gudbinta inta jeer ee dhexdhexaadka ah, capacitor magdhow ee inverter ayaa ku xiran si taxane ah iyo danab barbar socda qaab labanlaab.

2.3.6 Halbeegyada wareegga ugu muhiimsan iyo saldhigga xulashada qaybaha

Halbeegyada la qiimeeyay ee wareegga ugu muhiimsan ee sahayda tamarta inta jeer ee dhexdhexaadka ah ayaa lagu muujiyay shaxdan soo socota:

Mashruuca muddada KGPS200/8
Korontada wax-soo-gelinta (V) 38
DC hadda (A) 400
Danabka DC (V) 500
Danab ku shaqeeya gariiradda induction (V) 750
Inta jeer ee shaqada (H z) 800


The inductor is composed of a furnace shell, an induction coil, a stainless steel water collector and a furnace lining. The induction coil is combined with the parameters of the annealed copper alloy tube to optimize the design with special computer software and make it in combination with actual experience. It can ensure the best electromagnetic coupling efficiency under the same capacity. Induction coils with 99.99% of T2 rectangular copper wire made, the induction coil outer insulating electrostatic spray process the epoxy resin insulating layer of high strength, pressure-resistant insulating layer is greater than 5000V .

The inner layer of the induction coil is made of white corundum lining, and the outside of the lining and between the coils are fixed with refractory cement (American Union Mine), which can play a role in insulation and heat preservation. At the same time, the strength of the white corundum lining is further increased, effectively avoiding copper wire damage to the lining.

Dhammaan biyaha gudaha iyo dibaddaba waxaa lagu ururiyaa laba dabin oo biyo ah oo birta ah, kuwaas oo ku xiran tuubooyinka biyaha soo gala iyo kuwa ka baxa. Ururiyaha biyaha ee birta ah waa mid qurux badan oo wax ku ool ah, kaas oo si wax ku ool ah uga fogaan kara saameynta kulaylka kuleylka ee gariiradda induction sababtoo ah daxalka tuubada biyaha iyo xannibaadda marin-biyoodka.