- 18
- Dec
Procesflow af stålrørs bratkølings- og hærdningsproduktionslinje
Procesflow af stålrørs bratkølings- og hærdningsproduktionslinje
It is the same as the general traditional gas heating walking furnace, but the working principle and processing engineering are completely different. In the gas-fired walking furnace, the steel pipe is heated as a whole; while in the induktionsopvarmningsovn, stålrøret opvarmes kontinuerligt trin for trin; bratkølingsprocessen og hærdningsprocessen udføres også på samme måde. Derfor, når stålrøret opvarmes, bratkøles og hærdes, bevæger det sig grundlæggende på langs og spiral, og resten bevæges sideværts. Den specifikke forarbejdningsproces er som følger: I henhold til quenching- og hærdningskravene i API 5 CT-standarden for oliebrøndsrør, hejses oliebrøndrøremnerne fra overheadkranen til læsseplatformen, og efter manuel inspektion af udseendet er de pænt arrangeret og fordelt. Når hver arbejdsposition i produktionslinjen går ind i den normale arbejdstilstand, aktiveres sensoren for at vente på materialet, den variabel frekvensføder begynder at rotere, og stepføderen betjenes manuelt for at løfte det første oliebrøndrør fra udløbet. ende af foderplatformen. Den sendes til rullebordet på justeringsanordningen, og frekvenskonverteringsføderen fremfører med en indstillet hastighed. Frekvenskonverteringsføderen er et enkelt-valsedrev med justerbar hastighed og højde. Rulletypen er en specialdesignet rullefremfører med et skråtstillet 15° arrangement. Horisontal fremføringskorrektion centrering og selvrotationsfunktion for emnet. Fodervalsen mellem induktionsvarmespolerne og fremføringsvalsen ved ind- og udløbet er lavet af varmebestandigt stål og udstyret med en roterende forseglet intern vandkølingsanordning til at afkøle fremføringsvalsen og gøre den ydre overflade af fodervalsen Tørring letter kontinuerlig opvarmning af røret, og resten af fremføringsvalsen er lavet af slidstærkt stål. Olierøret kommer ind i mellemfrekvensslukningsvarmezonen gennem rullebordet. Varmezonen er sammensat af et sæt på 3000kW mellemfrekvensstrømforsyning og et sæt på 1200kW mellemfrekvensstrømforsyning med flere sæt varmeinduktionsspoler for at danne en slukningsinduktionsvarmezone for at sikre ensartet temperatur på emnet. Opvarmningstemperaturen er 850℃~1000℃. Installer et importeret tofarvet kolorimetrisk infrarødt termometer ved udgangen af varmespolen for at overvåge rørets opvarmningstemperatur og feedback signalet til kontrolsystemet for mellemfrekvensstrømforsyningen for automatisk at justere udgangseffekten af mellemfrekvenseffekten forsyning til at danne et lukket kredsløb kontrolsystem til justering Stålrørets varmetemperatur styres inden for det tilladte fejlområde.
The heated steel pipe enters the spray quenching zone. Since the workpiece is made of carbon-manganese steel with a carbon content of about 0.3% or medium and low alloyed chromium-molybdenum steel and chromium-manganese-molybdenum steel, pure water is suitable for quenching medium. We use a ring-shaped cooling device to continuously spray high-pressure water on the surface of the heated steel pipe, and spray it strongly for about 5-15 seconds to achieve the transformation of the quenched martensite. For this reason, we have selected two sets of high-flow and high-pressure water pumps (the pressure is 125 meters per minute and the water circulation is 1000m3/h), and the total power is above 500kW, so as to achieve the effect of rapid and uniform cooling required for complete quenching of the pipe wall. Ensure that the steam film generated on the surface of the steel pipe is destroyed, so that the steel pipe can quickly reach the martensite transformation temperature, and all of it will be transformed into quenched martensite, and no quenched troostite will be produced, thereby ensuring tempered sorbite. Since the oxide scale and dust on the surface of the steel pipe will fall off in the spray and enter the quenching medium, the quenching medium must be processed by the coarse filtration of the sedimentation tank, magnetic suction filtration, mesh filtration and other multi-stage treatments to make the turbid water clean and not clogged. The nozzle can be recycled.
The spray area is equipped with isolation baffles to prevent water splashing, which is beneficial to water recycling and reduce the loss of turbid water. A protective cover is also set to prevent the spray of steam to ensure the dryness of the workshop.
The spray-quenched steel pipe is transported from the roller table to the water removal section in the pipe, and the pipe is lifted on the inclined table by a pneumatic turning machine. After draining for more than 5 minutes, it is lifted by the pneumatic turning machine to the tempering line roller table. Under the drive of the roller table, it enters the intermediate frequency tempering induction heating zone, and the tempering heating temperature range is generally 600°C to 750°C. The medium frequency induction heating power supply is a tempering induction heating zone composed of a set of 1900kW and a set of 900kW consisting of multiple groups of induction coils. An imported two-color colorimetric infrared thermometer is installed at the exit of the last induction coil to monitor the temperature of the oil pipe, and is responsible for feeding back the signal to the intermediate frequency power supply and automatically adjusting the output power of the intermediate frequency power supply to form a closed-loop control system. The tempered steel pipe passes through the high-pressure water descaling device on the roller table. The steel pipe achieves the descaling effect under the scouring of the high-pressure jet water. The steel pipe after the descaling passes through the sensor in the tempering zone and is turned over by pneumatic drive step by step. The feeder lifts the steel pipe steadily, puts it on the cooling bed and slowly rotates and rolls, gradually cooling. Then the steel pipes are collected into baskets at the exit of the cooling bed, and then manually strapped, packed and hoisted to the next section.