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300kg 버퍼 웨이브 알루미늄 용해로

300kg 버퍼 웨이브 알루미늄 용해로

버퍼 웨이브 알루미늄 용해로는 950 ℃ 이하에 적합한 당사에서 개발 한 일종의 금속 용해 장비입니다. 그 기능은 다음과 같은 특징이 있습니다.

1. 에너지 절약 및 비용 절감: 알루미늄의 평균 전기 소비량은 0.4-0.5kWh/KG 알루미늄으로 기존 스토브보다 30% 이상 적습니다.

2. 효율적인 활용: 600시간 안에 1° 상승 온도, 초고속 가열 속도, 오래 지속되는 일정한 온도;

3. 환경 보호 및 저탄소: 국가 에너지 절약 및 배출 감소 정책에 따라 먼지, 기름 연기 및 유해한 가스 배출이 없습니다.

4. 안전 및 안정성: 누출, 알루미늄 누출, 오버플로 및 정전과 같은 지능형 보호 기능을 갖춘 32비트 CPU 기술의 독립적인 연구 및 개발;

5. 더 적은 알루미늄 슬래그: 완충 파 와전류 유도 가열, 가열 데드 앵글 없음, 높은 원료 이용률;

6. 수명 연장: 도가니가 고르게 가열되고 온도차가 작으며 평균 수명이 50% 연장됩니다.

7. Temperature control: the eddy current reacts instantly, the crucible heats up by itself, without the hysteresis of traditional heating;

1. 적용 산업:

알루미늄 다이캐스팅 공장, 알루미늄 잉곳 생산 공장, 폐알루미늄 용해 산업, 주조 공장, 자동차 및 오토바이 액세서리 생산, 휴대폰 쉘, 램프, 전기밥솥 가열판 제조 업체

2. 제품 소개 :

Buffer wave aluminum melting furnace is an energy-saving buffer wave aluminum melting equipment that replaces traditional resistance, coal-fired, oil-fired, and intermediate frequency furnaces. With the increase in cost of materials, various industries are facing fierce market competition. The metallurgical industry has worsened the situation. The emergence of the buffer wave aluminum melting furnace has solved various problems in the metallurgical industry. It has the advantages of intelligence, safety, money saving, environmental protection and other national support, and is sought after by the metallurgical industry.

3. 300 kg buffer wave aluminum melting furnace

모델: SD-AI-300KG

용융 재료: 탄화규소 흑연 도가니

도가니 재질: 알루미늄 합금

도가니 용량: 300KG

정격 출력 : 60KW

Melting power consumption/ton: 380 kWh/ton

보온 소비 전력/시간: 3kWh/시간

녹는 속도 kg/시간: 160KG/시간

Buffer wave aluminum melting furnace product specification selection:

제품 번호 생산 능력 정격 용량 작동 온도 빈로 가열 시간 坩埚 type
SD-RL-100 30KW 100KG 40KG / H 950 학위 <1.5H 둥근 모양
SD-RL-200 40KW 200KG 100KG / H <1.5H
SD-RL-300 60KW 300KG 180KG / H <2.0H
SD-RL-400 80KW 400KG 240KG / H <2.0H
SD-RL-500 100KW 500KG 300KG / H <2.5H
SD-RL-600 120KW 600KG 350KG / H <2.5H
SD-RL-800 150KW 800KG 420KG / H <2.5H
Remarks: Various furnaces can be customized according to different occasions and technical requirements of customers.

4. 가열 원리:

The buffer wave aluminum melting furnace uses a buffer wave induction heating controller to convert electrical energy into heat energy using the principle of buffer wave induction heating. First, the internal rectifier filter circuit converts the alternating current into direct current, and then the control circuit converts the direct current into high-frequency magnetic energy. The high-speed changing current passing through the coil will produce a high-speed changing magnetic field. When the magnetic field lines in the magnetic field pass through the crucible, numerous small eddy currents will be generated inside the crucible, so that the crucible itself will generate heat at high speed, transfer the heat to the aluminum alloy, and melt into a liquid state. .

Measures to reduce aluminum slag in buffer wave aluminum melting furnace:

In the process of aluminum alloy smelting, as the amount of slag increases, the melting loss of aluminum also increases, and the amount of slag is related to the melting temperature, the state of the charge, and the production process. If you want to reduce aluminum slag, you must start from the following aspects:

(1) Reasonable furnace geometric dimensions and feeding order;

(2) Strictly control the melting temperature to prevent overheating. The flame spray should have a certain angle to facilitate rapid melting and shorten the melting time;

(3) Suitable melting amount and refining time, stirring should be stable, without destroying the oxide film on the surface of the melt, and covering the aluminum melt in a timely manner;

(4) Sort and clean the waste aluminum, and pack the finely divided charge with a large contrast surface area with a press;

(5) Treatment of slag before slagging;