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Instruções para uso de material de compactação de forno de indução

Instruções para uso de material de compactação de forno de indução

This product is a dry ramming material, please operate according to the following instructions: Thank you.

Material de revestimento do forno As etapas simples de sinterização são as seguintes:

Raise the temperature to 900°C at a rate of 250°C/hour, (hold the iron and red only in a non-melting state for 3-4 hours, depending on the size of the furnace)

Continue to heat up to 1300°C at a rate of 200°C/hour and keep it warm for 2-3 hours (according to the size of the furnace)

A temperatura é aumentada para 1550 ° C a uma taxa de 200 ° C / hora e mantida por 3-4 horas, então o ferro fundido é extraído.

1. Before dry knotting the furnace lining, first lay a layer of mica paper in the furnace coil insulation layer. Lay another layer of asbestos cloth, and manually level and compact each layer of material when laying.

2. Fundo do forno com nós: A espessura do fundo do forno é de cerca de 200 mm-280 mm e é preenchido com areia de duas a três vezes. Durante a amarração manual, a densidade de vários lugares é impedida de ser desigual, e o revestimento do forno após o cozimento e sinterização não é denso. Portanto, a espessura da alimentação deve ser estritamente controlada. Geralmente, a espessura do enchimento de areia não é superior a 100 mm / cada vez, e a parede do forno é controlada dentro de 60 mm. Várias pessoas são divididas em turnos, 4-6 pessoas por turno e 30 minutos para cada nó a ser substituído, ao redor do forno. Gire lentamente e aplique uniformemente para evitar densidade desigual.

3. When the knot at the bottom of the furnace reaches the required height, it will be flattened and the crucible mold can be placed. In this regard, care should be taken to ensure that the crucible mold is concentric with the induction coil, adjusted vertically up and down, and the shape is as close as possible to the bottom of the built furnace. After adjusting the peripheral gap to be equal, use three wooden wedges to clamp, and the middle hoisting weight is pressed on to avoid the furnace wall. When knotting, the lining material is displaced.

4. Parede do forno de atamento: a espessura do revestimento do forno é 90 mm-120 mm, adicionando material de atamento seco em lotes, o tecido é uniforme, a espessura do enchimento não é superior a 60 mm e o atamento é de 15 minutos (atamento manual ) até que esteja nivelado com a borda superior do anel de indução junto. O molde do cadinho não deve ser retirado após a finalização do nó e atua como aquecimento por indução durante a secagem e sinterização.

5. Baking and sintering specifications: in order to obtain the three-layer structure of the furnace lining, the baking and sintering process is roughly divided into three stages: pay attention to the iron pins and small iron materials added to the furnace during the baking and sintering. , Do not add large pieces of iron, iron with tips, or teeth.

Baking stage: keep the temperature at 200 current for 20 minutes and 300 current for 25 minutes, keep the crucible mold heated to 900°C, keep the intermediate frequency furnace of 1 ton or less for 180 minutes; keep the intermediate frequency furnace of more than 1 ton for 300 minutes, The purpose is to completely remove the moisture in the furnace lining.

6. ​​Semi-sintering stage: heat preservation at 400 current for 60 minutes, 500 current heat preservation for 30 minutes, and 600 current heat preservation for 30 minutes. The heating rate must be controlled to prevent cracks.

7. Etapa de sinterização completa: sinterização em alta temperatura, a estrutura sinterizada do cadinho é a base para a melhoria de sua vida útil. A temperatura de sinterização é diferente, a espessura da camada de sinterização é insuficiente e a vida útil é reduzida significativamente.

No forno de frequência intermediária 8.2T, cerca de 950 kg de pinos de ferro são adicionados durante o processo de cozimento para aumentar o efeito de aquecimento da bobina de indução. À medida que o cozimento e a sinterização continuam, uma força eletromagnética relativamente estável é gerada por meio de transmissão de baixa potência para agitar o ferro fundido para encher o forno. , Aumente a temperatura do forno para 1500 ℃ -1600 ℃, mantenha o forno de frequência intermediária de 1 tonelada ou menos por 120 minutos; mantenha o forno de frequência intermediária de mais de 1 tonelada por 240 minutos, de modo que o revestimento do forno seja aquecido uniformemente para cima e para baixo, formando uma forte camada sinterizada para evitar que o ferro fundido seja lavado. Controle estritamente a temperatura das três zonas de mudança de fase do material de revestimento para promover a mudança de fase completa do material de revestimento e melhorar a primeira resistência de sinterização do revestimento.

9. Blue fire outside the coil, black inside the furnace lining, cracking of the furnace lining material and other causes. as follows:

Solution: After the lining material is knotted, iron needs to be added for baking. It is required to add bread iron. Fill up the furnace. Never add oily iron pins, iron beans, or mechanical iron. Because the lining material of the first furnace was not sintered. Oily materials will emit a lot of smoke and carbon monoxide when heated at high temperatures. Through high pressure, a large amount of smoke and carbon monoxide will be pressed into the furnace lining material and discharged to the outside of the furnace through the furnace lining material. A lot of flue gas residue will be left in the furnace lining for a long time, making the furnace lining black. The adhesive in the furnace lining loses its bonding effectiveness, and the furnace lining becomes loose. There is a phenomenon of furnace wear. If there is oily material in the factory, it can be used after the furnace lining material is completely sintered. (Use after 10 furnaces).

10. Starter switchboard: keep warm for 30 minutes from the current 200 DC current. 300 DC current insulation for 30 minutes. 400 DC current hold for 40 minutes. Keep 500 DC current for 30 minutes. 600 DC current hold for 40 minutes. After opening to normal melting. Fill the furnace with molten iron. The temperature rises to 1500 degrees-1600 degrees. The intermediate frequency furnace of 1 ton or less is kept for 120 minutes; the intermediate frequency furnace of 1 ton or more is kept for 240 minutes, and the baking ends.

11. Precautions for cold stove start: cold stove start. Start with 100 direct current; 200 direct current for 20 minutes; 300 direct current for 25 minutes; 400 direct current for 40 minutes; 500 direct current for 30 minutes; 600 direct current for 30 minutes. Then it works normally.

12. Precautions for hot furnace shutdown: hot furnace shutdown. For the last furnace, raise the furnace temperature and clean the glaze around the furnace mouth. The molten iron in the furnace must be poured out. Observe the condition of the furnace wall. The blackened part of the furnace body indicates that the furnace lining has become thinner. Pay attention to this part when you open the furnace next time. Cover the furnace mouth with an iron plate. Make the lining shrink slowly.

13. O material de fusão deve ser limpo, seco e não gorduroso para formar a camada de sinterização da parede do forno.

14. The first few furnaces prevent high-power transmission and smelting. High-power will generate a large electromagnetic stirring force, which will wash away the sintered layer of the furnace lining that is not completely strong.

15. The iron should be light, and the iron should be evenly applied, so as to avoid touching the furnace wall and easily damage the thin sintered layer, forming the furnace lining and affecting the life of the furnace lining. The average iron addition can balance the furnace temperature.

16. Slagging must be done frequently during operation. The melting point of the slag is higher than the melting point of the molten material, the slag is crusted, and the iron material cannot contact the timely solution, making it difficult to melt. The furnace substrate is corroded by high temperature.

17. The new furnace should be smelted continuously as much as possible to avoid cracks caused by intermittent smelting. Generally smelt continuously for 1 week.

18. Try to avoid high temperature smelting during the smelting process. Avoid overheating of the furnace lining.

19. When the furnace needs to be shut down for a long time due to malfunctions during use, the molten iron in the furnace should be emptied.

20. Try to use clean charge for the new furnace.

21. Faça a manutenção e a manutenção dos equipamentos de fornos elétricos. Durante o uso, preste atenção às condições do forno.

22. Quando o forno é desligado para resfriamento, o forno deve estar vazio e a tampa do forno deve ser coberta para tornar o revestimento do forno uniforme para cima e para baixo durante o resfriamento, de modo a garantir a vida útil do forno

23. Conclusão

The life of the lining material is “three points in the material, seven points in the use”. Effectively improve the life of furnace lining materials, in addition to selecting suitable materials for furnace lining materials, implementing strict furnace building and baking operations, formulating scientific and reasonable smelting processes, adopting new auxiliary materials, meticulous operation, and meticulous maintenance. Lining life is an effective way to save energy and reduce consumption. Lingshou Shuangyuan Mineral Products Processing Factory is willing to make progress hand in hand with you. Create a better future.